Backdraft intercepts. Core mechanics broken?

I'm a seasoned war player and just a few min ago I fought vs a Nick who went unblockable.
Obviously you have to go for some kinda of intercept to find your openings.
When I did a MLL combo(only 2 L to not push him to SP1) I backdrafted (dash back and dash back in) he immediately dashed in and killed me.
I use backdrafts on a regular basis in all endgame content and I never encountered this. Is this known? Is it normal? Is it an AI change?
Obviously I didn't recorded any of this gameplay so you just have to take my word for it that I know what a backdraft is and that I wasn't too slow or something.
Ps: it was the rage node on mini boss Island
Obviously you have to go for some kinda of intercept to find your openings.
When I did a MLL combo(only 2 L to not push him to SP1) I backdrafted (dash back and dash back in) he immediately dashed in and killed me.
I use backdrafts on a regular basis in all endgame content and I never encountered this. Is this known? Is it normal? Is it an AI change?
Obviously I didn't recorded any of this gameplay so you just have to take my word for it that I know what a backdraft is and that I wasn't too slow or something.
Ps: it was the rage node on mini boss Island
If they dash to you intercept with a light
He dashed into me before I could dash into him. I know that they can sidestep me or L intercept me. But that was not the point here
But why do backdraft intercepts with mediums always work vs super agressive AI? Shouldn't they be faster than me?
Examples of that were Gauntlet Terrax, Gwenmaster, Gamemaster and the Collector.
I never had any problems vs them and I probably backdrafted them like 1.000 times with Ms.
Again I know dashback M is not safe bc ofc sidesteps or L intercepts but I never thought can faster dash in than me
I often wiffed 2 L attacks and then they smacked me 😅
Need more experience with them I guess.
Hope it will get fixed then. Thx for the info 👍🏻
Light attacks are very fast and in case you mess up you have enough time to save yourself but in medium it's not.
It's possible but no guaranteed safety
Did they L intercept you or sidestep and then punish you? That is fine.
BUT if they dash at you faster than you can react with your M THEN it is not normal (after a short combo)
This is new and probably 1 of the side effects from the parry-bug stuff.