2B or not TB

Good Afternoon (maybe),
I am looking for your feedback regarding Thronebreaker. Here is my situation: I am about to form my first Catalyst (Tech), with no good options…(#firstworldproblems) I need to know if I should just take up one of my bad options or wait till I either form a different more helpful catalyst or pull a grand tech champion! Let me know your thought!
Tech options include: Yondu, ROcket, Red Skull, or Iron Patriot. (Yes, I’m completely serious, it is THAT bad…)
I am looking for your feedback regarding Thronebreaker. Here is my situation: I am about to form my first Catalyst (Tech), with no good options…(#firstworldproblems) I need to know if I should just take up one of my bad options or wait till I either form a different more helpful catalyst or pull a grand tech champion! Let me know your thought!
Tech options include: Yondu, ROcket, Red Skull, or Iron Patriot. (Yes, I’m completely serious, it is THAT bad…)
2B or not TB 82 votes
Post edited by Kabam Dijon on
1) I saw KT1 defeat Darkhawk with a 6r1 Red Skull. If you don't have a good counter to Darkhawk, that could be a reason to rank him up. He'll only fulfill one of the objectives, but he will fulfill an objective and allow you to clear at least one. That can be really valuable going forward since the rewards are pretty spicy and will most likely allow you to rank up other, better 6* champions in the not-so-distant future.
2) The other alternative is to simply wait a few weeks until Kabam announces the buffs for August. It's possible anyone of those four are among those. I haven't heard even a rumor regarding who it might be so I can't offer any advice ahead of time, but since they are all more or less trash right now they are surely all in the pipeline for a buff. However, neither Yondu nor Rocket fulfills any of the objectives so if you do rank one of them up, they won't do you any good in clearing those (assuming the buffs are announced before his fight disappears).
I honestly don't know what is better. It is really good to become Thronebreaker. I became so maybe a month ago and the daily rewards alone are a significant improvement from before. That being said, champions are being improved at such a rate that one of those will probably be buffed fairly soon. Especially since the Tech class is kind of lacking at the moment. Taking up Red Skull over Rocket right now is fairly whatever, but taking up Red Skull one month before Rocket becomes god-tier...? That could sting.
With all of that being said, I don't recommend you wait too long to see which champ will get buffed. It is very valuable to get to TB and you shouldn't dally.
I have finished all SOP fights thus far (4/4).
I have finished all of completion content and some exploration in Act 7.1.1 as well as completed all Variants. I haven’t touched any Abyss… I have some killer options in Mutant, Mystic, and Science for other rank ups!
Not sure you will use the other 3, even at rank 3.
TB gets you 25% of a t5cc a month (calendar plus glory store), so you'll get it back in 4 months just from that. In 4 months, you may pull 8-10 6* if you 100% the cav EQ and the side quests.
Tech is an ok class and following the buffs there are a lot of r3 candidates. But if you did pull one of them, there's not much of a gap from r2 to r3 so that you'd really notice it with them at r2 for a few months.
And red skull has to be close to a tune up.
Go for it....
- All of your options are bad. He is within the top 2 of your options ( the other would be Rocket just due to damage alone)
- He gives some really neat synergies to other champs ( they don't do much for him though)
- If duped and at high sig ( naturally though, don't waste AG or stones on him) he's is at least somewhat usable in AW defense, specially because he is rarely used so peeps dont expect him appearing on it.
- R3ing a bad champ just to get TB does make sense because as soon as you become TB , T5cc shards and other needed R3 resources will start trickling in at a faster pace, thus you'll get what you need to R3 your other good champs.
- This last reason is for me the most important one although I must admit is based on my own pure wishful thinking: Of all 4 champs, I think Red Skull is set to to receive the most badass buff. The reason is twofold: a) he's an iconic Marvel villain and b) I can definitely see how just tweaking his existing kit would go a long way on making him shine. For example, imagine if they would just tie his damage output to the amount of Armor Ups he has ( making him like a Tech version of Collosus), etc. Who knows tho if they will buff him soon and if his buff will be good but ... just take Diablo for example. Plenty of people wouldn't have picked him if he appeared on a nexus, before his buff they would have definitely pick a meh champ like Drax over Diablo anytime. In fact, I actually did so. Now tho? I wish I would have gotten Diablo.
Hope it helps
IP doesn’t strike me as someone on the verge of getting buffed since I would imagine they would prioritize OG IM because they are both fairly standard iron man suits.
Rocket is who I would personally go for.
1) I like the character. I think he looks and feels really good to play albeit no damage or utility and weird armor interactions.
2) I don’t like Rocket at all and I can’t see myself enjoying his future kit (because I know the future and know he will not be good…)
3) I had expiring T5 catalysts that I needed to use.
4) I am excited to put him on defense.
5) I’ll use him for Cav monthly quests
6) Very and least importantly he might get a buff.
7) I really think that being Thronebreaker early is important due to all of the opportunities available to that level of account progression!
That said, great choice to take him up! I'm sure you will have fun using him.