Scarlet Witch's heavy attack

She is a psychic, there is no sense to her heavy attack be melee-based
Change it to something that involve her mystic powers, a magic ball or something like that
Change it to something that involve her mystic powers, a magic ball or something like that
she can also be said to be a psychic due her telekinesis, telephanty, mental manipulation etc
SCarlet witch uses chaos magic to warp reality she’s not telekentic, she can’t read minds.
They may add ranged attacks at some point, but when they do it will need to be balanced across the board.
If you just want it to visually look magical then okay... but what do you suggest it look like instead?
Really? When did Gambit break the game?
I like this suggestion. Switch was created from the standard female archetype when they all fought identically (Switch, Gamora, Storm, Widow, Captain Marvel, Magik). We need more variety - Psylocke's attack style is awesome.
Switch would look more appropriate with a magical heavy attack more like Gambit's, although maybe without trying so hard to look cool.
Gambits definately not a ranged heavy attack. Only one who is arguably is is quake.
So does Spidey stark but shh lol
My mistake. I generally don't do heavy attacks from the other side of the screen; since that would be pointless.
Okay, so although Gambit appears to be throwing a charged card, it doesn't go anywhere.
Maybe it should...