Any magneto will do if you have him. Im assuming if you are having trouble beating him you are still rocking 4 stars for the most part. The old school ways back in my day were star lord to out damage him or use yondu or guillotine.
If you have any champion who can heal block/reverse, use them. If you have the despair mastery unlocked, use a champion who can stack up a ton of debuffs. If you have a strong mystic champ, you might be able to constantly just nullify his regen buffs.
If all else fails, you can try to just out-damage his regen if you have someone like Aegon or Guillotine 2099 (who can also place a Spectre debuff with her SP2, reversing his healing somewhat).
But as @Lvernon15 said, it's difficult to give specific advice without knowing which champs you have at your disposal.
the whole roster or specific champs for wolverine?
You can take a screen shot of your top champs and we can tell you who to use. Mags is an easy choice if you have him and will help you pretty much every part of the game also.
If your cap IW is max sig/high sig, bring him and a tech champ with him and just parry wolverine. That will place petrify debuffs on him and will reverse his healing.
Not sure if you have a guillotine at any rarity cause she can do it even as a 2 star. Just get to that sp2 and it will reverse the healing.
If your cap IW is max sig/high sig, bring him and a tech champ with him and just parry wolverine. That will place petrify debuffs on him and will reverse his healing.
Not sure if you have a guillotine at any rarity cause she can do it even as a 2 star. Just get to that sp2 and it will reverse the healing.
I agree with this. Capiw with a tech to reverse the healing should be fine. Symbiote Supreme also can work since he will remove the regens but it's alittle RGN based. If you have any points in Despair than Medusa can also work once you keep up her armor shatter all fight, you will build bleeds that are permanent with her armor shatter to block healing.
CapIW seems to be the smarter choice. He could finish the fight in a very short time.
If cap iw doesn't work, mysterio will be a long but reliable solo. Build up gas charges, then MLLLL combos to keep that hb up and don't throw specials.
Use Doom parry heavy to stagger opponents.. this will nulfiy his regeneration on activation else make sure u keep ur SPL 1 ready to throw whenever regeneration start's.. it will nulify it immediately..
All you need to beat ROL wolverine is a champ that can outdamage him. If that is seeming hard, then I suggest bringing a champ that can heal block/reverse. Examples such as: Magneto (works great), Guill99 (built up, and sp2 does heal reverse), and anyone else who does heal block/reverse (I'm too lazy to list anymore, lol)...
If all else fails, you can try to just out-damage his regen if you have someone like Aegon or Guillotine 2099 (who can also place a Spectre debuff with her SP2, reversing his healing somewhat).
But as @Lvernon15 said, it's difficult to give specific advice without knowing which champs you have at your disposal.
Not sure if you have a guillotine at any rarity cause she can do it even as a 2 star. Just get to that sp2 and it will reverse the healing.
CapIW seems to be the smarter choice. He could finish the fight in a very short time.