Can we please not have SQs that are super repetitive?

I love the rewards here, but seriously, people have complained about tedious side quests before, and this one is the same 10 fights (which already takes like half hour) a month in a row. No variations unless you want catalysts, which is not really worth it. It’s just a lot to do, even if it was on a month without awful controls issues that drag out the length even more. Please try to not have another sq on this level of tediousness if possible.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
Doing it over 30 times a month does make it boring. But for the fixed (and nice) rewards we get, I wouldn't complain.
On the other hand, you always know what to expect, so you can plan accordingly... if you want to.
Well, I inherently dislike RNG based SQ I guess. My luck is subpar, so it feels like a mule kicked me in the chest during every one of those events.
Good rewards but man it's tiring
When fights are same, now you guys are angry that oh man, Its so repetitive..
Because of you guys, the game is moving 1 step forward, 2 steps back!
Like one fight is one of the four Deadpools, one is an Iron Man of some sort, one of them will always be a Symbiote, stuff like that.
Minus: very repetitive. If the plan was to make us do this 30 times then a bit less fights on the path would've been appreciated.
It's kind of dull and I would have maybe preferred six slightly harder fights, but hey, I'm not going to complain about easy rewards.
Frankly we ran through so many SQ in last few years. Further breakthrough is very difficult. A lot of suggestions above is just repeating the previous SQs, which is another kind of "repetitive". Striking the balance among various factors, I think this month's SQ is still acceptable.