Thoughts on Luke Cage?

Yesterday, I pulled a 6* Luke Cage from my second-ever 6* crystal (I got OML from the first one). So what are your views on Luke Cage? Is he any good? I personally enjoy messing around with him, although he definitely isn't a top 10 character. Still pretty fun IMO.
He's bleed immune, reduces opponents crit rate by a bit, reduces opponents power gain up to some extent and also reduces your opponent's Ability Accuracy by 25% (By placing a Concussion) depending on the no of Exhaustion debuffs you have on the opponent.....
Overall, not the best but he's ok
He have very good utilities. He completely shuts down SS, doctor strange with 4 exhaustion and somewhat sorcerer too. His Exhaustion are underrated in this meta. With four he stops power gain buff champ like hype and reverse after 5th. He can place concussion on sp 2 reducing 25% AA per exhaustion. At 4 exhaustion when spammed s2 he shuts down chamls at 100% aar. Bleed immune,Tanky and as for 2nd 6 star he's very solid pull
My 6* Cage was my first R2 and he is a sleeper among the science champs. He’s not at the Torch/Ham/Void level, but he has terrific utility once you figure out how to use him (and he isn’t tricky to learn).
First, he’s bleed immune, which makes him a great counter for champs who cause bleed (MS) and for caltrops nodes.
Second, his very reliable stun off Sp1 can work as a power management device for opponents you want to keep at their Sp2 or Sp1, giving you the chance to launch into a 7-hit combo off the stun (MM, MLLLM)as needed to keep them at a power level you want. Sp2 gives you access to the AAR from concussion, another useful benefit.
Third, his exhaustion debuffs off light attacks make him a beast on paths where it’s necessary to place a lot of debuffs (plus they ramp up his attack and reduce power gain and attack by the opponent).
Fourth, he’s a smooth player champ. He doesn’t move in a jerky fashion (HB, Rags, MS) and seems to flow across the screen.
If you awaken him, his indestructible is a nice mulligan and/or way to tank a Sp3.
Overall a very solid champ unawakened who becomes very useful once awakened. I took Torch to R3 over my Cage, but Cage is likely my next science R3.
Here are some stats to illustrate. Note the attack boost based off debuffs. By stacking his light attack exhaustion debuffs, he hits for very good damage.
Dr. Zola