Best Cosmic Champion?



  • Thanos1149Thanos1149 Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★

    @BitterSteel ive literally already explained my power booster point. I didn’t say anything about boosts not being allowed to be used, but I don’t see how it’s impressive if CGR didn’t even use his “utility” to handle void. You’re supposed to be arguing for his UTILITY not damage. I know his damage is good lol. I used stryfe for the void in the gauntlet, but does that make his utility a good counter to void? No.

    I kid you not, the only thing I’ve found impressive thus far has been the Luke cage solo, and that required an extremely skilled player to do so. I admit that’s genuinely cool. Why must I say this again to you? Could you not tell I was impressed the first time or something?

    Having debuffs doesn’t make him good for healing. It’s funny that you were arguing against Hyperion before, who also does well against healing due to the amount of incinerates he puts in the opponents. Would I ever resort to him for healing countering? Hell no. My Annihilus is such a good heal counter cuz he places loads of debuffs, yet I’m not seeing him counter much healing, just like CGR. Not impressive.

    Also, I literally already said “difficulty is subjective” when I mentioned act 6. Im not seeing him do much actually tricky stuff in act 6, so I’m just not seeing his utility being very useful here.

    Abyss ghost and omega are unbelievably easy to deal with. BUT, like I’ve already said, Luke cage was impressive and iron man is for sure a tricky fight. So that’s… 4 out of loads of abyss fights? Half of which are very easy? Meh. I know you’ll probably say “yeah but Luke and iron man are difficult”, but does that really make him super valuable for the abyss? No.

    It’s all well and good basically saying “ why don’t you agree with me that he has utility”. Hmmmm… let’s think why… ah yes it’s because I’m not impressed perhaps? What? Do you want me to say “wow bittersteel, I really agree with you now that you’ve given me arguments I should be impressed by”. Nope. That’s not how arguments work. Luke was cool. Thanks for showing me he’s good for one fight I didn’t know he would so good for so far.

    If he finishes a fight before the opponent can do anything, then that should count as “utility”. For act 4 exploration all I had to do MLLLL, throw an SP1 and they’re dead. For the exploration of an act 5 quest, I did MLLLL (I had the GR synergy), then MLLLM, then I heavy charged into SP2 and they’re already dead.
  • SwarmOfRavensSwarmOfRavens Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★★

    @BitterSteel ive literally already explained my power booster point. I didn’t say anything about boosts not being allowed to be used, but I don’t see how it’s impressive if CGR didn’t even use his “utility” to handle void. You’re supposed to be arguing for his UTILITY not damage. I know his damage is good lol. I used stryfe for the void in the gauntlet, but does that make his utility a good counter to void? No.

    I kid you not, the only thing I’ve found impressive thus far has been the Luke cage solo, and that required an extremely skilled player to do so. I admit that’s genuinely cool. Why must I say this again to you? Could you not tell I was impressed the first time or something?

    Having debuffs doesn’t make him good for healing. It’s funny that you were arguing against Hyperion before, who also does well against healing due to the amount of incinerates he puts in the opponents. Would I ever resort to him for healing countering? Hell no. My Annihilus is such a good heal counter cuz he places loads of debuffs, yet I’m not seeing him counter much healing, just like CGR. Not impressive.

    Also, I literally already said “difficulty is subjective” when I mentioned act 6. Im not seeing him do much actually tricky stuff in act 6, so I’m just not seeing his utility being very useful here.

    Abyss ghost and omega are unbelievably easy to deal with. BUT, like I’ve already said, Luke cage was impressive and iron man is for sure a tricky fight. So that’s… 4 out of loads of abyss fights? Half of which are very easy? Meh. I know you’ll probably say “yeah but Luke and iron man are difficult”, but does that really make him super valuable for the abyss? No.

    It’s all well and good basically saying “ why don’t you agree with me that he has utility”. Hmmmm… let’s think why… ah yes it’s because I’m not impressed perhaps? What? Do you want me to say “wow bittersteel, I really agree with you now that you’ve given me arguments I should be impressed by”. Nope. That’s not how arguments work. Luke was cool. Thanks for showing me he’s good for one fight I didn’t know he would so good for so far.

    If he finishes a fight before the opponent can do anything, then that should count as “utility”. For act 4 exploration all I had to do MLLLL, throw an SP1 and they’re dead. For the exploration of an act 5 quest, I did MLLLL (I had the GR synergy), then MLLLM, then I heavy charged into SP2 and they’re already dead.
    That's not when damage should be considered a utility.
    When you have the output to take fights that you would otherwise be locked out of without certain utility then an exception can be made.

    An example would acid wash Mysterio, Neither guillotine99, NF or Proxima have access to poison yet they can all solo the fight (even faster than some poison champs). They're damage suitably replaces utility in scenarios like that, same thing for fights like thunderstruck KG where shock is required or Caustic temper sinister without fury

    CGR also falls into the same category but not for the reason you listed
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    @BitterSteel ive literally already explained my power booster point. I didn’t say anything about boosts not being allowed to be used, but I don’t see how it’s impressive if CGR didn’t even use his “utility” to handle void. You’re supposed to be arguing for his UTILITY not damage. I know his damage is good lol. I used stryfe for the void in the gauntlet, but does that make his utility a good counter to void? No.

    I kid you not, the only thing I’ve found impressive thus far has been the Luke cage solo, and that required an extremely skilled player to do so. I admit that’s genuinely cool. Why must I say this again to you? Could you not tell I was impressed the first time or something?

    Having debuffs doesn’t make him good for healing. It’s funny that you were arguing against Hyperion before, who also does well against healing due to the amount of incinerates he puts in the opponents. Would I ever resort to him for healing countering? Hell no. My Annihilus is such a good heal counter cuz he places loads of debuffs, yet I’m not seeing him counter much healing, just like CGR. Not impressive.

    Also, I literally already said “difficulty is subjective” when I mentioned act 6. Im not seeing him do much actually tricky stuff in act 6, so I’m just not seeing his utility being very useful here.

    Abyss ghost and omega are unbelievably easy to deal with. BUT, like I’ve already said, Luke cage was impressive and iron man is for sure a tricky fight. So that’s… 4 out of loads of abyss fights? Half of which are very easy? Meh. I know you’ll probably say “yeah but Luke and iron man are difficult”, but does that really make him super valuable for the abyss? No.

    It’s all well and good basically saying “ why don’t you agree with me that he has utility”. Hmmmm… let’s think why… ah yes it’s because I’m not impressed perhaps? What? Do you want me to say “wow bittersteel, I really agree with you now that you’ve given me arguments I should be impressed by”. Nope. That’s not how arguments work. Luke was cool. Thanks for showing me he’s good for one fight I didn’t know he would so good for so far.

    I’m not actually super bothered about replying to you any more, all of your argument is just wow, I see CGR being used for this end game content/abyss/SoP/Gauntlet/hard fight etc but it’s easy/worthless/not useless. You’re not open to new points of view, you’ve shown no evidence or arguments for CGR not having utility, despite the mountains of situations and evidence I’ve shown.

    You make points like “I’ve not seen much abyss gameplay” as if that’s a point against him, then when I show abyss gameplay, you say well it’s not relevant. I ask you what difficult content would you say I can do to show you CGR has utility and you dodge by saying difficulty is subjective, while I’m literally offering you an opportunity to see him to the difficult content. You say he has no miss counter and I offer to show you proof and you blank it, which is just a symptom of your issue here. You don’t want to see proof. You want to just ignore what’s shown to you so you can keep your opinion.

    I’m not saying CGR has the most utility in the game ever, and you should all bow down to the utility god. I’m saying your statement that he has no utility except armour break and double immunity is demonstrably and categorically wrong. So feel free to think what you’d like, but you’ve shown me that a debate isn’t worth continuing with you.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    @ BitterSteel ive literally already explained my power booster point. I didn’t say anything about boosts not being allowed to be used, but I don’t see how it’s impressive if CGR didn’t even use his “utility” to handle void. You’re supposed to be arguing for his UTILITY not damage. I know his damage is good lol. I used stryfe for the void in the gauntlet, but does that make his utility a good counter to void? No.

    I kid you not, the only thing I’ve found impressive thus far has been the Luke cage solo, and that required an extremely skilled player to do so. I admit that’s genuinely cool. Why must I say this again to you? Could you not tell I was impressed the first time or something?

    Having debuffs doesn’t make him good for healing. It’s funny that you were arguing against Hyperion before, who also does well against healing due to the amount of incinerates he puts in the opponents. Would I ever resort to him for healing countering? Hell no. My Annihilus is such a good heal counter cuz he places loads of debuffs, yet I’m not seeing him counter much healing, just like CGR. Not impressive.

    Also, I literally already said “difficulty is subjective” when I mentioned act 6. Im not seeing him do much actually tricky stuff in act 6, so I’m just not seeing his utility being very useful here.

    Abyss ghost and omega are unbelievably easy to deal with. BUT, like I’ve already said, Luke cage was impressive and iron man is for sure a tricky fight. So that’s… 4 out of loads of abyss fights? Half of which are very easy? Meh. I know you’ll probably say “yeah but Luke and iron man are difficult”, but does that really make him super valuable for the abyss? No.

    It’s all well and good basically saying “ why don’t you agree with me that he has utility”. Hmmmm… let’s think why… ah yes it’s because I’m not impressed perhaps? What? Do you want me to say “wow bittersteel, I really agree with you now that you’ve given me arguments I should be impressed by”. Nope. That’s not how arguments work. Luke was cool. Thanks for showing me he’s good for one fight I didn’t know he would so good for so far.

    CGR's damage is pretty much utility given how much he has of it. But ignoring that, you haven't given any good counter-points to why those fights don't showcase his utility apart from "I'm not impressed" which is a nonsensical counter-point.
    Or “well in the hands of a skilled player” like ok, big deal. As if ghost and quake don’t need skill and aren’t considered the top champs in the game because they’re only good in the hands of a skilled player. What ridiculous points :D
  • Karatemike415Karatemike415 Member, Administrator, Content Creators Posts: 724 Content Creator
    edited August 2021
    Rookiie said:

    @Karatemike415 what do you think?

    I think that they're all pretty great for different reasons, in different scenarios, in a game with 200+ characters and hundreds of nodes - and arguing about which one is "better" is silly.
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    edited August 2021

    Rookiie said:

    @Karatemike415 what do you think?

    I think that they're all pretty great for different reasons, in different scenarios, in a game with 200+ characters and hundreds of nodes - and arguing about which one is "better" is silly.

  • king_ov_scrubsking_ov_scrubs Member Posts: 396 ★★★
    hyperion is comfortably the best cosmic
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Unsilent said:

    Without even thinking i voted Hyperion because thats been the truth for so long. But its Hercules. Dude is broken op

    6* R4 Hyp would absolutely break this game. That is why they won’t release him.
    Same with Blade, Wolverine, SW, Magik and ghost rider right?
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    as soon as hype gets his blue border he will be by far 1 of the best cosmics even as a 5* he holds it down still

    Not being a 6* doesn’t stop Hyp being the best cosmic. Quake and ghost are still the best champions in the game even as 5*.

    Because that implies damage and health is more important when considering the best champ. The difference between a 5/65 and rank 3 6* is not that much, just around 30% health and attack. So you’re saying that if Hyperion had that extra damage then he would be better than the other cosmics, which doesn’t make sense.

    If Hyp was the best cosmic like everyone says, he would still be the best cosmic regardless of star level. Because he would just be that good.
  • SwarmOfRavensSwarmOfRavens Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★★

    as soon as hype gets his blue border he will be by far 1 of the best cosmics even as a 5* he holds it down still

    Not being a 6* doesn’t stop Hyp being the best cosmic. Quake and ghost are still the best champions in the game even as 5*.

    Because that implies damage and health is more important when considering the best champ. The difference between a 5/65 and rank 3 6* is not that much, just around 30% health and attack. So you’re saying that if Hyperion had that extra damage then he would be better than the other cosmics, which doesn’t make sense.

    If Hyp was the best cosmic like everyone says, he would still be the best cosmic regardless of star level. Because he would just be that good.
    Using ghost and Quake as an example is horrible.
    They're the best even at 5* level because they are so far above everyone else, to the point we're getting nodes added to AW to hard counter them. That example ain't it, with the gap they have above other champs a 30% stat increase doesn't hurt them as much.

    When the champs being compared are this close in level then things like 30% attack and health increase are more important. If corvus wasn't available as a 6* r3 he'd lose a lot of reach with his 20 charges and struggle a substantial amount more Vs higher health pools. That would undoubtedly affect where people rate him.

  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    edited August 2021

    as soon as hype gets his blue border he will be by far 1 of the best cosmics even as a 5* he holds it down still

    Not being a 6* doesn’t stop Hyp being the best cosmic. Quake and ghost are still the best champions in the game even as 5*.

    Because that implies damage and health is more important when considering the best champ. The difference between a 5/65 and rank 3 6* is not that much, just around 30% health and attack. So you’re saying that if Hyperion had that extra damage then he would be better than the other cosmics, which doesn’t make sense.

    If Hyp was the best cosmic like everyone says, he would still be the best cosmic regardless of star level. Because he would just be that good.
    Using ghost and Quake as an example is horrible.
    They're the best even at 5* level because they are so far above everyone else, to the point we're getting nodes added to AW to hard counter them. That example ain't it, with the gap they have above other champs a 30% stat increase doesn't hurt them as much.

    When the champs being compared are this close in level then things like 30% attack and health increase are more important. If corvus wasn't available as a 6* r3 he'd lose a lot of reach with his 20 charges and struggle a substantial amount more Vs higher health pools. That would undoubtedly affect where people rate him.

    Maybe quake and ghost aren’t the best example. But they still have the same utility at that rank that makes them so good. And so does Hype. But you’re not getting my point, extra health and attack isn’t the only thing stopping Hyperion being the best. Champions have exactly the same utility as 5* rank 5 and 6* r3.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,803 ★★★★★
    Venom. Venom. VENOM!
  • SwarmOfRavensSwarmOfRavens Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★★

    as soon as hype gets his blue border he will be by far 1 of the best cosmics even as a 5* he holds it down still

    Not being a 6* doesn’t stop Hyp being the best cosmic. Quake and ghost are still the best champions in the game even as 5*.

    Because that implies damage and health is more important when considering the best champ. The difference between a 5/65 and rank 3 6* is not that much, just around 30% health and attack. So you’re saying that if Hyperion had that extra damage then he would be better than the other cosmics, which doesn’t make sense.

    If Hyp was the best cosmic like everyone says, he would still be the best cosmic regardless of star level. Because he would just be that good.
    Using ghost and Quake as an example is horrible.
    They're the best even at 5* level because they are so far above everyone else, to the point we're getting nodes added to AW to hard counter them. That example ain't it, with the gap they have above other champs a 30% stat increase doesn't hurt them as much.

    When the champs being compared are this close in level then things like 30% attack and health increase are more important. If corvus wasn't available as a 6* r3 he'd lose a lot of reach with his 20 charges and struggle a substantial amount more Vs higher health pools. That would undoubtedly affect where people rate him.

    Maybe quake and ghost aren’t the best example. But they still have the same utility at that rank that makes them so good. And so does Hype. But you’re not getting my point, extra health and attack isn’t the only thing stopping Hyperion being the best. Champions have exactly the same utility as 5* rank 5 and 6* r3.
    Yes they still have the same utility at r5 that they would at r3, my point was the utility those 2 specifically have make them so good they wouldn't suffer from being locked to a lower difficulty.
    But they're an exception and not the norm.

    When you're comparing champs that are actually relatively close in level then one of them losing 30% base stats is significant enough to hinder their ranking. Utility is great but unless you're swimming in it like ghost and Quake then you're not transcending rarity levels.

    I get the point you're trying to make but it also brings the idea that a champ has to enough utility that they're better than 6* r3s while being limited to 5* r5 level and that's not applicable in vast majority of cases.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    as soon as hype gets his blue border he will be by far 1 of the best cosmics even as a 5* he holds it down still

    Not being a 6* doesn’t stop Hyp being the best cosmic. Quake and ghost are still the best champions in the game even as 5*.

    Because that implies damage and health is more important when considering the best champ. The difference between a 5/65 and rank 3 6* is not that much, just around 30% health and attack. So you’re saying that if Hyperion had that extra damage then he would be better than the other cosmics, which doesn’t make sense.

    If Hyp was the best cosmic like everyone says, he would still be the best cosmic regardless of star level. Because he would just be that good.
    Using ghost and Quake as an example is horrible.
    They're the best even at 5* level because they are so far above everyone else, to the point we're getting nodes added to AW to hard counter them. That example ain't it, with the gap they have above other champs a 30% stat increase doesn't hurt them as much.

    When the champs being compared are this close in level then things like 30% attack and health increase are more important. If corvus wasn't available as a 6* r3 he'd lose a lot of reach with his 20 charges and struggle a substantial amount more Vs higher health pools. That would undoubtedly affect where people rate him.

    Maybe quake and ghost aren’t the best example. But they still have the same utility at that rank that makes them so good. And so does Hype. But you’re not getting my point, extra health and attack isn’t the only thing stopping Hyperion being the best. Champions have exactly the same utility as 5* rank 5 and 6* r3.
    Yes they still have the same utility at r5 that they would at r3, my point was the utility those 2 specifically have make them so good they wouldn't suffer from being locked to a lower difficulty.
    But they're an exception and not the norm.

    When you're comparing champs that are actually relatively close in level then one of them losing 30% base stats is significant enough to hinder their ranking. Utility is great but unless you're swimming in it like ghost and Quake then you're not transcending rarity levels.

    I get the point you're trying to make but it also brings the idea that a champ has to enough utility that they're better than 6* r3s while being limited to 5* r5 level and that's not applicable in vast majority of cases.
    I’m just rejecting the idea that Hyperion isn’t the best cosmic now, but if he got an extra 30% health and attack he’d jump to being the best cosmic. This may be one to just agree to disagree on.
  • SwarmOfRavensSwarmOfRavens Member Posts: 1,264 ★★★★★

    as soon as hype gets his blue border he will be by far 1 of the best cosmics even as a 5* he holds it down still

    Not being a 6* doesn’t stop Hyp being the best cosmic. Quake and ghost are still the best champions in the game even as 5*.

    Because that implies damage and health is more important when considering the best champ. The difference between a 5/65 and rank 3 6* is not that much, just around 30% health and attack. So you’re saying that if Hyperion had that extra damage then he would be better than the other cosmics, which doesn’t make sense.

    If Hyp was the best cosmic like everyone says, he would still be the best cosmic regardless of star level. Because he would just be that good.
    Using ghost and Quake as an example is horrible.
    They're the best even at 5* level because they are so far above everyone else, to the point we're getting nodes added to AW to hard counter them. That example ain't it, with the gap they have above other champs a 30% stat increase doesn't hurt them as much.

    When the champs being compared are this close in level then things like 30% attack and health increase are more important. If corvus wasn't available as a 6* r3 he'd lose a lot of reach with his 20 charges and struggle a substantial amount more Vs higher health pools. That would undoubtedly affect where people rate him.

    Maybe quake and ghost aren’t the best example. But they still have the same utility at that rank that makes them so good. And so does Hype. But you’re not getting my point, extra health and attack isn’t the only thing stopping Hyperion being the best. Champions have exactly the same utility as 5* rank 5 and 6* r3.
    Yes they still have the same utility at r5 that they would at r3, my point was the utility those 2 specifically have make them so good they wouldn't suffer from being locked to a lower difficulty.
    But they're an exception and not the norm.

    When you're comparing champs that are actually relatively close in level then one of them losing 30% base stats is significant enough to hinder their ranking. Utility is great but unless you're swimming in it like ghost and Quake then you're not transcending rarity levels.

    I get the point you're trying to make but it also brings the idea that a champ has to enough utility that they're better than 6* r3s while being limited to 5* r5 level and that's not applicable in vast majority of cases.
    I’m just rejecting the idea that Hyperion isn’t the best cosmic now, but if he got an extra 30% health and attack he’d jump to being the best cosmic. This may be one to just agree to disagree on.
    Looks like it is, nothing wrong with differing opinions
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    as soon as hype gets his blue border he will be by far 1 of the best cosmics even as a 5* he holds it down still

    Not being a 6* doesn’t stop Hyp being the best cosmic. Quake and ghost are still the best champions in the game even as 5*.

    Because that implies damage and health is more important when considering the best champ. The difference between a 5/65 and rank 3 6* is not that much, just around 30% health and attack. So you’re saying that if Hyperion had that extra damage then he would be better than the other cosmics, which doesn’t make sense.

    If Hyp was the best cosmic like everyone says, he would still be the best cosmic regardless of star level. Because he would just be that good.
    Using ghost and Quake as an example is horrible.
    They're the best even at 5* level because they are so far above everyone else, to the point we're getting nodes added to AW to hard counter them. That example ain't it, with the gap they have above other champs a 30% stat increase doesn't hurt them as much.

    When the champs being compared are this close in level then things like 30% attack and health increase are more important. If corvus wasn't available as a 6* r3 he'd lose a lot of reach with his 20 charges and struggle a substantial amount more Vs higher health pools. That would undoubtedly affect where people rate him.

    Maybe quake and ghost aren’t the best example. But they still have the same utility at that rank that makes them so good. And so does Hype. But you’re not getting my point, extra health and attack isn’t the only thing stopping Hyperion being the best. Champions have exactly the same utility as 5* rank 5 and 6* r3.
    Yes they still have the same utility at r5 that they would at r3, my point was the utility those 2 specifically have make them so good they wouldn't suffer from being locked to a lower difficulty.
    But they're an exception and not the norm.

    When you're comparing champs that are actually relatively close in level then one of them losing 30% base stats is significant enough to hinder their ranking. Utility is great but unless you're swimming in it like ghost and Quake then you're not transcending rarity levels.

    I get the point you're trying to make but it also brings the idea that a champ has to enough utility that they're better than 6* r3s while being limited to 5* r5 level and that's not applicable in vast majority of cases.
    I’m just rejecting the idea that Hyperion isn’t the best cosmic now, but if he got an extra 30% health and attack he’d jump to being the best cosmic. This may be one to just agree to disagree on.
    Looks like it is, nothing wrong with differing opinions
    For sure! The beauty of MCOC and the ratings of champions in classes is the difference in opinions. It’s why you don’t see any interesting debates on the top science champ, everyone knows it’s quake lol
  • QfuryQfury Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    Gotta be cgr FOR ME!!

    Because who doesn't love 50-60-70k mediums

    Cgr has the power to brute force through most fights.

    Key word being most, along as there's no tenacity/safeguard etc I'll use him to pew pew through fights.

    His dupe is also severely under rated.

    But I'm biased, he was my white whale as a 6* and the fact I pulled him from a basic and then duped him from a nexus 3 weeks later just makes me happy, love his play style, his animations. Just my all round favourite champ to use
  • mmmpunchmmmpunch Member Posts: 102
    Cosmic Spider-man is obviously number 1
  • Norman_OroNorman_Oro Member Posts: 33
    Tough question. Hercules, CMM, etc are all awesome. Overall, however, I think Hyperion is the best cosmic champ. Just my opinion.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,112 ★★★★★
    Damage: 5/5
    Utility: 3.5/5 (power control, heal block, buffs, power gain, bleed/incinerate immune)
    Ease of use: 4/5 (situations vary)
    Support: 2/5
    Sustainability: 3/5 (also varies on how fast he ends the fight)

    Damage: 5/5
    Utility: 3.5/5 (power gain, fury, regen, stun, poison immunity, incinerates; all very potent)
    Ease of use: 5/5
    Support: 1/5
    Sustainability: 4/5 (regen is pretty solid)

    Damage: starts of as 1-2/5, ramped up 5/5 which depends on healthpool
    Utility: 4/5 (armor break on parry, immortality, guaranteed crits, glaive of immunity)
    Ease of use: 5/5 (again, healthpools vary)
    Support: 2/5
    Sustainability: 5/5 (immortality)

    Damage: 5/5
    Utility: 5/5 (stun immunity, true sense, infuriate, buffs, bleed/poison resistance, burst damage)
    Ease of use: 5/5 (easy ramp, easy playstyle with infuriate)
    Support: 3/5
    Sustainability: 5/5 (depends how aggressive you are with immortality active)

    This is the way i view it personally, CGR has phenomenal damage and solid utility, but mainly reliant on buffs or armor breaks on the opponent.

    Hyperion is now available as a 6* and he outta have CGR level with how constantly he can throw specials, simple to use, simple kit.

    Corvus is good up until you reach higher health pools, but definitely excels in what he is good at like AQ, think people still use him in AW, and general questing

    Herc is definitely meta with how he counters the node we all know as “AI” very efficiently, which may in fact deem him the best champion in the contest. Anyways joke aside all the little pieces of utility make for a very versatile kit for fights long or short, and not much holds him back.

    As for who is the best, that will always be debatable, but i think this is a good way to value a champ. My opinion, hercules, but hyperion will always be more fun for me.

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