They're pretty friendly; with the usual host of unwritten rules you need to magically pick up without anyone telling you.
My Pro tip?
If anything is difficult, just ask for help (preferably in the Strategy and Tips thread) and you'll always get it. The people here are generally happy to help people who are asking.
Complain about something being too hard, and five hundred people will tell you to 'get good'
Second tip: Don't ever make a forum thread about how good/bad/indifferent Elsa Bloodstone is. Just don't.
They're pretty friendly; with the usual host of unwritten rules you need to magically pick up without anyone telling you.
My Pro tip?
If anything is difficult, just ask for help (preferably in the Strategy and Tips thread) and you'll always get it. The people here are generally happy to help people who are asking.
Complain about something being too hard, and five hundred people will tell you to 'get good'
Second tip: Don't ever make a forum thread about how good/bad/indifferent Elsa Bloodstone is. Just don't.
We won't tell people to "get good" We will tell them "Git Gud"
have fun buddy
Sorry i didnt reply under your comment i dont know how to
I will have fun
Have your 1st Insightful
They're pretty friendly; with the usual host of unwritten rules you need to magically pick up without anyone telling you.
My Pro tip?
If anything is difficult, just ask for help (preferably in the Strategy and Tips thread) and you'll always get it. The people here are generally happy to help people who are asking.
Complain about something being too hard, and five hundred people will tell you to 'get good'
Second tip: Don't ever make a forum thread about how good/bad/indifferent Elsa Bloodstone is. Just don't.
Dr. Zola
EDIT: ah dang, Mobile Potato beat me to this joke already
We will tell them "Git Gud"