Yeah probably. There are only 3 weeks left. We know one of them will have Emma and I have a good feeling that the final week will have some form of the 6.2 champion, a thanos boss, or the grandmaster so that only leaves 1 mystery boss left. There is pretty much a 50/50 chance of it being Emma this week so sure, it can be her.
Yeah probably. There are only 3 weeks left. We know one of them will have Emma and I have a good feeling that the final week will have some form of the 6.2 champion, a thanos boss, or the grandmaster so that only leaves 1 mystery boss left. There is pretty much a 50/50 chance of it being Emma this week so sure, it can be her.
Agreed, I don’t have professor X at any rarity and I have magneto as only a 3 star and Mr Sinister as a 4 star only, who I do not want to rank up. The odds of me evading Emma’s special attack is 1/50, and to do it for an entire fight is 0.00%. I’ll just take it as blocked hits honestly.
Yeah probably. There are only 3 weeks left. We know one of them will have Emma and I have a good feeling that the final week will have some form of the 6.2 champion, a thanos boss, or the grandmaster so that only leaves 1 mystery boss left. There is pretty much a 50/50 chance of it being Emma this week so sure, it can be her.
Agreed, I don’t have professor X at any rarity and I have magneto as only a 3 star and Mr Sinister as a 4 star only, who I do not want to rank up. The odds of me evading Emma’s special attack is 1/50, and to do it for an entire fight is 0.00%. I’ll just take it as blocked hits honestly.
Yeah probably. There are only 3 weeks left. We know one of them will have Emma and I have a good feeling that the final week will have some form of the 6.2 champion, a thanos boss, or the grandmaster so that only leaves 1 mystery boss left. There is pretty much a 50/50 chance of it being Emma this week so sure, it can be her.
Agreed, I don’t have professor X at any rarity and I have magneto as only a 3 star and Mr Sinister as a 4 star only, who I do not want to rank up. The odds of me evading Emma’s special attack is 1/50, and to do it for an entire fight is 0.00%. I’ll just take it as blocked hits honestly.
Yeah probably. There are only 3 weeks left. We know one of them will have Emma and I have a good feeling that the final week will have some form of the 6.2 champion, a thanos boss, or the grandmaster so that only leaves 1 mystery boss left. There is pretty much a 50/50 chance of it being Emma this week so sure, it can be her.
There are 4 bosses including this one left
Nope, 3 more.
Summer of pain is 10 quests
It's 9 dude
Kabam didn't really explain it well but the event is 9 × 1 fight quests and 1 × boss rush of 10 champs
But if you add it up, 27 points are over the week before the boss rush comes out. So the boss rush is technically not part of the summer of pain, at least rewards are not related to it
i'm guessing that we'll get emma today, and then the last few will be much harder than the previous ones. i am expecting that we'll get 6.2 the champion pre nerf, and i have no idea who the other one will be
For the love of all thing good please let her not have unblockable Specials
If that actually happens then I guess I’m just gonna settle for 7 points, because there’s now way I’m gonna sacrifice me being mentally okay just because I died 3 bajillion times trying to dodge one special attack.
The ninth one is a boss rush. So it's still 9 quests.
will be fun 🤫
Aspect of war
Slashed tires and Unblockable special's
Energize too
July 28 is week 7 which gets us to point 19.
August 4 is week 8 which gets us to point 23.
August 11 is week 9 which gets us to the final point 27 of the event rewards structure.
They specifically say there is a final but on August 18. Read it.