The problem with waiting this long is that it feels like less than it is.
And I get the sense everyone who’s been asking for some non-AQ relief the past month now expects something that looks less like a spate of pots and more like an apology.
Could done with that 30 mins ago lmao used 40 units for 1 revive for sop
Why on earth would you spend units on SoP within the first hour of its release... You know you have a whole week to practice, right? Worst case scenario you really can't get him down without a revive so you run variant classic Spidey 2.2 one time and pickup that revive for free?
The glory is the problem. Remove purchase limits on items or at least increase them temporarily. I understand the t5cc crystal might need to stay at 1 but I’d prefer to buy 6k worth of T2A over 3k t2a and 3k t5b
Someone did the Math for me if it ends up to spending them in store. lol I need to use 6,913 Glory each week (AQ rewards included) for the next 4 weeks for optimum glory use and end up within 15k at the end of 4 weeks. Barring no more Glory compensation from Kabam.
And hopefully the final compensation is better than this. This is barely enough to keep me going.
The problem with waiting this long is that it feels like less than it is.
And I get the sense everyone who’s been asking for some non-AQ relief the past month now expects something that looks less like a spate of pots and more like an apology.
Dr. Zola
I understand the t5cc crystal might need to stay at 1 but I’d prefer to buy 6k worth of T2A over 3k t2a and 3k t5b
I know it not easy, but it’s free
Suck it up
I need to use 6,913 Glory each week (AQ rewards included) for the next 4 weeks for optimum glory use and end up within 15k at the end of 4 weeks. Barring no more Glory compensation from Kabam.