Max glory cap needs to be increased

We’ve received our fourth glory compensation in the last few weeks, and at this point I’m quite frustrated. I’ve been at max glory for ages now, and other than the t5cc frags crystal, there’s nothing really good to spend it on. I think the max glory cap should be 25 or 30k instead of 15k . Either that or stop giving us glory as compensation along with those useless map 6 and 7 crystals
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
- 3.5 full T2A
- 40% T5B
If this package were a generic package of resources, it could have been
1. More alliance revives and pots - and people will complain that they are expiring as they don’t spend items in AQ. Hence the compensation is of no value to them, or
2. 1.5 T2A + 20% T5B - and people who are uncollected or lower will be getting rewards that they shouldn’t be earning in bulk. Also, those overflowing with t2a or t5b will complain that half of the compensation is not of value to them.
So I think Kabam was pretty smart in the way they setup this compensation.
If you spent items for AQ, glory to buy pots for you. Don’t spend items? Great, free purchases in the glory store for you, more T2a or more t5b or whatever resource YOU lack.
Raising the glory cap will mean a slower burn (which also means more compensation than they actually intended to give out).
Don’t forget, there’s another big one coming after the bugs are resolved.
Plus, there's no rule that says currencies aren't supposed to have a cap. It depends on how the currency is intended to be used.
The point to caps is always the same: to limit how much a player can stockpile something. Two reasons. First, many players are hoarders. They instinctively try to hold onto as much stuff as possible. This can hurt their progress. It is their choice, but the game operators still have to deal with the reality that players could stockpile resources then complain about the fact they don't get enough stuff and stop playing. Inventory caps force players to make decisions even if they would rather not.
And second, stockpiling resources can make balancing the game economy difficult. If you allow players to stockpile resources indefinitely, you eventually have to deal with the problems that come from economy rebalancing. Think about all the players who save gold crystals for 20% boosts. I do that. For me, those crystals have more value than for most players, because I'm going to get more gold out of them. In the case of gold that is less of an issue, but there are resources that can be worth more if players are allowed to manipulate when they spend them in an unlimited manner.
Basically, you want players making spending decisions constantly, and you don't want hidden reserves of resources to suddenly pop out of the woodwork when you make game economy changes.