Guess what champion is next

This is to discuss the characters who will make 120 characters total.


  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    Not sure who is next, but I've been waiting for Red Skull for quite some time.
  • DLegendDLegend Member Posts: 745 ★★★
    Most likely the sinister six. So characters like green goblin, mysterio, sandman ect.
  • KML15KML15 Member Posts: 139
    Bring on Nova!
  • NoobeeusNoobeeus Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Hoping the 'C' one is Carnage, but as spiderman Homecoming is being released in July I expect probably Vulture to be released around then and that would tie in with Carnage (part of the spiderman storyline in comics)
  • Time_to_clobberTime_to_clobber Member Posts: 123
    Not sure who is next, but I've been waiting for Red Skull for quite some time.

    I really hope they don't release characters that are part of the **** party. I hope red skull and modok never get released as playable characters.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    Not sure who is next, but I've been waiting for Red Skull for quite some time.

    I really hope they don't release characters that are part of the **** party. I hope red skull and modok never get released as playable characters.

    They're Marvel Characters.
  • Time_to_clobberTime_to_clobber Member Posts: 123
    I know, but they're nazis. I wouldn't want to play as that character. Wouldn't mind playing against that character though.
  • xxVINMANxxxxVINMANxx Member Posts: 23
    I need Carnage. He has been and still is my most wanted character by far. Doubt we'll see him for awhile tho.
  • JSnookJSnook Member Posts: 219
    I know, but they're nazis. I wouldn't want to play as that character. Wouldn't mind playing against that character though.

    So if it found that Red Skull is released (in a game), and it the most OP character, you pull him in a 5* crystal, you would sell him? Because he's a fictional character that was depicted in comics as part of the **** party?
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