Event Quest Completion - after EQ has been explored

Just curious how many people actually push for the milestones in the solo "Event Quest Completion" at the end of the month, and what the best strategy you might use to get it done (preferably using the least amount of energy)
Since its active right now, and probably majority of people have explored as much of the EQ as they intend to until the reset, thought this might be a good poll to understand what others do. (And maybe encourage Kabam to somehow change this annoying solo-event)
Since its active right now, and probably majority of people have explored as much of the EQ as they intend to until the reset, thought this might be a good poll to understand what others do. (And maybe encourage Kabam to somehow change this annoying solo-event)
Event Quest Completion - after EQ has been explored 28 votes
I think that one incredibly easy fix could be to simply include other content in it so that any Variant or Story quest you complete counts toward the objective. That wouldn't be enough but it would at least give you something to do when you've completed everything you want to do in EQ. I'm not going to just mindlessly run daily quests in order to earn the last milestone.
Or heck, I wouldn't even be mad if they got rid of it altogether and only ran hero/arena/level ups.