Ideas to add to spideman 2099

So far all the gameplay and leaks that they’ve shown of spiderman 2099 have looked ok but not amazingly impressive. Sure we have to wait and see to see if his actually good but here are some features I think will be pretty cool to add onto the character. Btw this is all based on a max five star so rank 5 level 65.
.Bleed immune and armour break: due to spiderman 2099 unstable molecule fabric armour, spidemans suit is unable to be ripped or torn through leading him to be unable to bleed or receive armour break.
.lyla online: lyla is Spider-Man’s holographic assistant that mimics human emotion and I feel like they should add an ability where when u dash back and hold for 1.5 seconds u get an ability called lyla online, When up against #metal champs it completely shuts down their defensive ability’s because lyla will be “hacking” their systems. This ability also give spiderman 2099 an extra 3500 attack rating and 100% chance to land a crit on opponent and leaves evade champs (not unstoppable) unable to evade. Lyla online will last for 16 seconds and has a cool down of 12 seconds. So think about i as a better version of locked on but for #metal champs.
.poison and slow:On every medium or heavy you have a 100% chance to give the opponent slow, slow can not be stacked but the timer can reset every time u hit with a heavy or medium bu unlike the special 3 the slow does not count as 4 unique debuffs. On every medium u will have a 37% chance to grant poison this poison can be stacked but the max stack is 3. I added these ability's in because of spiderman 2099 claws and fangs have a poison that paralyses the opponent leading them to not being able to move which is pretty much what slow is but with evade and unstoppable.
.Special 3 bleed: after the special 3 spiderman 2099 has a 100% chance to grant a bleed on the opponent this bleed last forever but just like the slow on the old spidermans special 3 2099 this bleed counts as 4 unique debuffs. The bleed does not do much damage but once all debuffs are placed opponent when u use special 2 there should be some insane damage.
.Buff on damage in general: for what I’ve seen the normal 5 hit combo that spiderman 2099 does doesn’t seem to do much damage so I would increase the damage by adding a bit more attack rating to the table so he doesn’t fully rely on debuffs to damage the opponent.
But other than all these ability I would leave the rest of the debuffs he puts on the opponent apart from the slow he give on special 3 (coz let’s be honest they would’ve of killed him already by the time he reaches 3 bars of power)
But overall I think we are just gonna have to wait and see just so we can get a perspective on whether his good or not.
.Bleed immune and armour break: due to spiderman 2099 unstable molecule fabric armour, spidemans suit is unable to be ripped or torn through leading him to be unable to bleed or receive armour break.
.lyla online: lyla is Spider-Man’s holographic assistant that mimics human emotion and I feel like they should add an ability where when u dash back and hold for 1.5 seconds u get an ability called lyla online, When up against #metal champs it completely shuts down their defensive ability’s because lyla will be “hacking” their systems. This ability also give spiderman 2099 an extra 3500 attack rating and 100% chance to land a crit on opponent and leaves evade champs (not unstoppable) unable to evade. Lyla online will last for 16 seconds and has a cool down of 12 seconds. So think about i as a better version of locked on but for #metal champs.
.poison and slow:On every medium or heavy you have a 100% chance to give the opponent slow, slow can not be stacked but the timer can reset every time u hit with a heavy or medium bu unlike the special 3 the slow does not count as 4 unique debuffs. On every medium u will have a 37% chance to grant poison this poison can be stacked but the max stack is 3. I added these ability's in because of spiderman 2099 claws and fangs have a poison that paralyses the opponent leading them to not being able to move which is pretty much what slow is but with evade and unstoppable.
.Special 3 bleed: after the special 3 spiderman 2099 has a 100% chance to grant a bleed on the opponent this bleed last forever but just like the slow on the old spidermans special 3 2099 this bleed counts as 4 unique debuffs. The bleed does not do much damage but once all debuffs are placed opponent when u use special 2 there should be some insane damage.
.Buff on damage in general: for what I’ve seen the normal 5 hit combo that spiderman 2099 does doesn’t seem to do much damage so I would increase the damage by adding a bit more attack rating to the table so he doesn’t fully rely on debuffs to damage the opponent.
But other than all these ability I would leave the rest of the debuffs he puts on the opponent apart from the slow he give on special 3 (coz let’s be honest they would’ve of killed him already by the time he reaches 3 bars of power)
But overall I think we are just gonna have to wait and see just so we can get a perspective on whether his good or not.
Plus, just bring Mr. Fantastic and She-Hulk/Sentry/Vulture/Doc Ock and Spidey 2099 will place power stings for days.
I would also love a god-tier Spidey in the game (although I guess both Starky and Spider-Pig can be argued to be just that), but I won't judge SM2099 before he's even out.