What are your thoughts on Hood after the update? He seems very versatile again buff-heavy champs

I just tested my 6* R1 Hood against a 6* R3 awakened Medusa, and his stagger damage (in addition to updated bullet mechanics) took approximately 15 hits in total to finish her. Obviously this isn’t a fair comparison in regards to maybe more difficult endgame content, but I was quite surprised with how effective his damage and utility was when comparing other mystic champs like Symbiote Supreme.
Hearing any input would be fantastic, I’d certainly be glad to hear them! What are your initial thoughts, and do you believe he will be a sustainable mystic champ going forward?
Hearing any input would be fantastic, I’d certainly be glad to hear them! What are your initial thoughts, and do you believe he will be a sustainable mystic champ going forward?
In my opinion, he’d be very solid if his “Not the Hero…” synergy were on his base kit. He’d have uses throughout the game and specialize in buff-centric matchups. But in his current state, I worry about fights where you only need that buff control utility infrequently or not at all. He’ll run out of ammo and just be kinda useless for the rest of the quest after one fight. He needs another way to maintain his bullet supply.
Alternatively, keep the system as is and just make it so it doesn’t persist from fight to fight. He starts every fight at 28 and can carry a maximum of 42. Doesn’t matter how many you end the last fight with, you start the next with 28. I’d be okay with that.
And I thought his staggers were only supposed to heal you if they expired, not if they were triggered. Because they’re healing you a bunch now
*jk hopefully he won't need a third rework. I need to know I can rank 2 mine w/o consequences.