Who are your favourite 2021 champions so far?

um yeah hasn't been updated with Peni Parker and Spiderman 2099 yet, but I'm happy for people to include those two in there
Who are your top 3 favourite champions released in 2021 thus far? This can be for any reason. (IMO choosing your faves based on who's the 'most useful in-game' is boring, but hey you're allowed to do that if you want)
My favourite 3 releases so far have been (in no particular order, apart from Peni, who is OBVIOUSLY first place)
Mister Negative (those animations tho)
Silver Centurion (that victory animation tho, that cracks me up every time)
and Peni Parker (i mean come on it's anime spidey, what's not to love?)
with Hercules coming in at a VERY close 4th. He's awesome but that pec bounce gives me nightmares.
America Chavez as well
Mr Negative third
Open tryouts for 3rd (hint Spidey2099)
2.Mr Negative ( Probably the most fun playstyle of any champ released this year)
3.Hercules ( free spot because blitzing through fights is a fun and immortality leads to interesting match ups)
I have been enjoying Stryfe and Super Skrull very much
Mr Negative - looks sick
Odin - is a god
But I have to say Shang chi and Hercules are very fun, and negative looks cool, and I like the mixture of the light and dark play styles.
but I'm just interested; who would your favourite non-mutants released this year be then?
Purgatory was a little meh, but she's super fun to play.
Beyond her, Shang and Herc. They both hang with the top dogs in their class, but overall I think I enjoy Shang more.
I haven't even ranked my Herc yet, which I got from a random frustration Cav, but will eventually. As long as they can't counter his Immortality, he's basically Unitman. Don't have a proper counter? Rev it up, rev it up. 🎶