Storm left in the dust

SidghhSidghh Member Posts: 33
edited August 2021 in Suggestions and Requests
I think some characters not just storm who are powerful in comics are the real champs than can use an overhaul instead of champs like hood. Even though the now mutant class is stacked some characters in the mcu universe are not even close to the popularity of storm. Guys I love reading comments ✌️


  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,124 ★★★★★
    I wouldn't say that Storm has been forgotten, they specifically highlighted her and War Machine as two prime examples of someone who needs an overhaul rather than just a quick numbers bump. So they did acknowledged her as someone who desperately needs a buff but they also said that the process can take a while depending on how in-depth the buff they have planned as well as any ideas that they want to incorporate on the character so if they don't have any ideas for her, that's why she's still on the back burner, especially since storm pyramid X seems to be fulfilling that role quite well in the interim.
  • DiinastyDiinasty Member Posts: 55
    Tbh I would much rather see at least one of the two cyclops that we have become even remotely useful before OG storm. In terms of damage alone, OG storm can leave both cyclops and many other champs in her dust. And with pyramid X storm, I would rather see those other champs get a buff before storm.
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