Should I get suicides?

I'm debating on whether to save enough units to get suicide masteries

but am not sure if it's worth it, any thoughts?

but am not sure if it's worth it, any thoughts?
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
I got them once I got corvus & started arena grinding hard.
Although I love suicides, finish fights quicker etc I've just finished up 7.2 expo the other day and had them off the whole time, turned them back on for a few days then had to turn them off again for SOP & cav EQ expo.
I'll definitely be turning them on again once that's done but it is a massive waste of units, burnt in the region of 4-500 units just swapping masteries the past week or so, and I don't really do arena anymore.
When that's sorted, you have to look at your roster. You need champs who
1) are not too SP1/2-reliant (or at least doesn't need to throw a lot of them each fight)
2) are bleed and/or poison immune/resistant.
3) can shrug off those debuffs.
4) have regen. It's not necessary but certainly helps.
So who among your roster fits that description?
Captain Marvel - Poison immune and can go fully indestructible. If you can become that right at the start of the fight, you can cancel out a lot of the bleed damage. However, she needs to be awakened for that.
Immortal Hulk - Poison immune. I don't have much experience with him but he seems really suicide-friendly.
Vision - Bleed and poison immune, but he should be awakened to be good.
Hulkbuster - No immunities but he gains more bleed resistance the more armor up buffs he has. However, I wouldn't use him with suicides without his sig unlocked, since it gives him a big, nice regen.
Mole Man - No immunities but he can shrug off debuffs easily.
Guillotine 2099 - Bleed and poison immune, and has healing.
Medusa - Poison immune.
Colossus - Bleed immune.
Magik - No resistances but her Limbo heals every damage lost during its activation. However, for that to be really valuable with suicides, you kind of need high sig.
Diablo - I don't have him myself but he seems amazingly suicide-friendly.
Bishop - He can easily shrug off bleeds and has a small regen that'll help offset any damage you do take. He also mainly uses his SP2 to end fights with so he doesn't take much recoil damage if played correctly.
You have a decent roster but I wouldn't go after the suicides until you've both ranked up some more of the champions mentioned above and then also awakened those that needs that to be suicide-friendly. And unlocked willpower, if you haven't already.
I personally don't use those masteries much (except for willpower), but I like having them unlocked for when I need that power boost. However, they really are endgame masteries. Very, very expensive.
The positive thing with using suicides with everyday champs is it gets that much more fun when you pull the gods like ghost, corvus, or omega. However, I would for sure not switch any suicides on until you are able to get willpower and max out liquid courage or double edge. Good luck!