Making final push for Uncollected - Need advice (NOTE: LONG POST)

Hey guys,
So I've finally decided that it's time to make that push for Uncollected, the one that everyone dreads but ultimately has to do at some point or another. After completing 5.1, I decided to wait for the "perfect" 5* champions that would make the Uncollected run a cakewalk; however, after RNGesus took a massive dump on me (for the past 2 months), I realized that I would have to make do with what I had. I took a look at my 4* roster and discovered that there were actually quite a few gems in there. I trudged along through 5.2, somehow managing to beat 5.2.4 (the parry compensation really came in handy) (To the hell-spawn at Kabam who created Masochism, go play in traffic). However, I am currently stuck at 5.2.5, since Bane keeps wrecking me (yeah, so it might be a good time to mention that I'm not that good). I am aiming to become UC by the end of the month so that I can capitalize on the Summer Canteen and Daily Bugle Store rewards, but as the days pass, it is looking more and more like a lost cause. However, I heard from some people that the people on the MCOC Forum are really helpful and offer some amazing advice, which is why I am writing this post. I am also attaching pictures of my 4* and 5* roster so that you guys can offer more specific and in-depth advice. The main things I want to know are:
1) What champions should I rank up (for 5.2.5 and 5.2.6)?
2) What strategies should I keep in mind for 5.2.5?
3) What strategies should I keep in mind for 5.2.6?
4) Advice for Collector fight
Any tips you guys can offer would be a MASSIVE help. I am really desperate right now, and you guys are pretty much my only hope. Hopefully, with your advice, I can finally make it to the promised land. Thank you in advance.
P.S: I will be posting updates in the comments to let you guys know how the final push is going, but a fair warning beforehand: it's most likely going to be really slow.

So I've finally decided that it's time to make that push for Uncollected, the one that everyone dreads but ultimately has to do at some point or another. After completing 5.1, I decided to wait for the "perfect" 5* champions that would make the Uncollected run a cakewalk; however, after RNGesus took a massive dump on me (for the past 2 months), I realized that I would have to make do with what I had. I took a look at my 4* roster and discovered that there were actually quite a few gems in there. I trudged along through 5.2, somehow managing to beat 5.2.4 (the parry compensation really came in handy) (To the hell-spawn at Kabam who created Masochism, go play in traffic). However, I am currently stuck at 5.2.5, since Bane keeps wrecking me (yeah, so it might be a good time to mention that I'm not that good). I am aiming to become UC by the end of the month so that I can capitalize on the Summer Canteen and Daily Bugle Store rewards, but as the days pass, it is looking more and more like a lost cause. However, I heard from some people that the people on the MCOC Forum are really helpful and offer some amazing advice, which is why I am writing this post. I am also attaching pictures of my 4* and 5* roster so that you guys can offer more specific and in-depth advice. The main things I want to know are:
1) What champions should I rank up (for 5.2.5 and 5.2.6)?
2) What strategies should I keep in mind for 5.2.5?
3) What strategies should I keep in mind for 5.2.6?
4) Advice for Collector fight
Any tips you guys can offer would be a MASSIVE help. I am really desperate right now, and you guys are pretty much my only hope. Hopefully, with your advice, I can finally make it to the promised land. Thank you in advance.
P.S: I will be posting updates in the comments to let you guys know how the final push is going, but a fair warning beforehand: it's most likely going to be really slow.

Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on
U can use someone with slow debuff and there is no real counter or anything like that for the collector I'm pretty sure. You just have to play well.
Or rank up and learn dex style quake so you just never get hit and don’t have to hit them so you never worry about bane
The best advice that I can think of when it comes to Bane is slowing your combos down just a bit, so that the last hit of your combo or start of your special coincides with the Bane timer ending. Once you can get that down, you'll find yourself rarely taking damage from the node.
I know it sounds difficult, but as @SpideyFunko said, practice it on that Moon Knight until you get the hang of it. I probably fought that dude at least 50 times lol
Save your power and don't use specials too much, both so you don't end up in a bad timing place and also so you don't give the opponent too much power. You can't be at 2.9 bars of power and desperately trying to bait a special when Bane switches over. You want to keep the fight under control. Specials might be useful as a get out of jail free card: you try to switch Bane over but you go in too early and at the end of your combo Bane hasn't quite switched over yet: if you unleash a special attack at the end of the combo, that extra attack time might be enough to transfer Bane. Or, if you get into a situation where the defender goes defensive and won't let you attack and Bane then transfers to you, an SP3 will get you out of that jam.
Thing is, if you practice this enough and you get comfortable keeping the fight under control and Bane constantly on the target instead of yourself, Bane stops being a hinderance and starts becoming a weapon. I got Uncollected on my second account mostly by constantly switching Bane back to the Collector and letting that do a lot of the damage. Doing that means the Collector doesn't get as much power as when you're constantly attacking into him, which turns Bane into an offensive ability.
Bane is about control. If you lose control of the fight, Bane kills. If you keep control of the fight, Bane is not a problem. This does take practice: in particular it takes practice to keep your cool and play relaxed, and not panic while Bane is ticking down, or even when you get a bad switch and Bane starts ticking on you. You have to be able to regain control of the fight and transfer it back while remaining calm. Unless you were born with ice water in your veins, this just takes practice and experience.
It is worth the practice, because this is not the last time you're going to be seeing Mr. Bane.