Boosts in Arena team selection screen

HieitakuHieitaku Member Posts: 1,377 ★★★★★
The only relevant boosts for arena team are the health, attack, and health+attack ones. There are a whole lot of other boosts in the selection screen that aren't relevant or even usable, and yet they are there.

Some of these are:

I'm not sure exactly how many people are inconvenienced by this, but it would be a great help to those who are if these are removed or, better yet, organized in different tabs. I know the latter will take more encoding, but it will probably help in other game modes as well.

If this hasn't been brought up yet, please consider it. If it has, just treat it as a follow-up.



  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    This would be an excellent QoL change.

    Or at least move them to the top since they’re also the only relevant ones for general questing
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