T5CC in Bugle Store

Why is the cost of one 10% T5cc crystal 5500 snapshots and the cost of five 2% T5cc total 2500 snapshots. Is it that much of a premium to get 10% of one class versus spreading them out over a few classes?
So yeah, I would say that 10% in a single class is more valuable than 5x2% in a random one, unless you are within those 2% of forming a catalyst. In that case, 5 chances are amazing.
More likely, the devs wanted the T5CC in the event to cost about 8000 snapshots, compared to the total that a Cav player might be able to earn. The T5CC was going to be broken down into one 10% and five 2%. They could have set the price of T5CC to be 400 snapshots per percent, which would make the 10% one 4000 snapshots and the 2% ones 800 per. But they decided they wanted the first few to cost less, so that players constrained on snapshots for whatever reason would at least be able to get a few. So they lowered the 2% crystals from 400 snapshots per to 250 snapshots per. This reduced the cost of the five 2% crystals from 4000 to 2500, and that cost was shifted to the 10% crystal bumping it up from 4000 to 5500.
That's generally how game economies are designed. You start with constraints, then you fit everything into those constraints, then you tweak things to get the behavior you want. You don't generally care as much about concerns like if this costs this, then that should cost that, unless those things are highly fungible (players can convert one to the other or can spend freely between them). In the case of the event store, there's a finite amount of snapshots players can spend, and they must spend them in this store only, and there are limits on what they can buy, so relative pricing is unimportant.
We can all agree that 10% is more valuable for someone trying to form a first catalyst but there’s a crossover point where I don’t think it matters anymore. I’ve got 7 rank 3’s, an unused science catalyst and all SOP points through week 7. If the game somehow allowed the choice, I’d rather spend 5000 on 10x2% than a single 10% crystal.