Seeking 7

Are you looking to try map 5? Are you wanting to try map 6? Ragnorak Tavrn is a mixed ally of US / Canada and EU members. We have one set map 6 BG (running 6,6,6,5,5) and another BG running map 5x5, with some members who also want map 6. Join us and we can help you progress or maybe you’re looking to take a step down from map 7. AW whenever it returns is 2 BGs and we look forward to getting back to Gold Status. LINE is required. All we ask is that you join AQ/W timely, communicate when necessary and have fun. Message me at Jaaibotha69 if interested.
We have a nice little family of 3 alliances where you can do anything from Map 4 to Map 6. I think y’all would fit well in our Map 5 alliance that we are working to get up and running with 3 BGs. Message me on discord at AznBane#5555 if you’re interested.