One-hour "grace period" for SOP quest but not the objectives

When yesterday's Week 8 Summer of Pain quest ended, I was still in the quest and a one-hour countdown timer appeared. I had been trying to finish up my 3rd objective, and once I assured myself that the one-hour timer on the quest was legit (I backed out multiple times and even restarted the game) then I proceeded to finish the quest, which involved spending substantial items (due to my lack of skill relative to the difficulty). But the objective was grayed out by that time and unable to be claimed. I stand at 22/23 points as of the end of SOP week 8.
Why would the quest remain open but the rewards become unavailable? We all know that 1 gold is not the main reward for this quest.
I realize I was late in completing the quest. If there was a grace period for the objective like there was for the quest, then I would love to receive the missing point. But if not, then I believe it was terribly misleading to keep the quest open with no rewards available, and I would like to have my wasted items replaced.
Why would the quest remain open but the rewards become unavailable? We all know that 1 gold is not the main reward for this quest.
I realize I was late in completing the quest. If there was a grace period for the objective like there was for the quest, then I would love to receive the missing point. But if not, then I believe it was terribly misleading to keep the quest open with no rewards available, and I would like to have my wasted items replaced.
The Quest can tell your in the process of completing by having champs locked in but objectives are separate - they were there for 168 hours
Whereas, if you are inside of a quest, most quests do not automatically just kick you out. Doesn’t mean that the timer for the quest has changed, just that you are allowed to continue on inside the quest for an additional amount of time (how much depends on what type of quest it is).