The new update today on Android makes parry even worse than before

ZevaisZevais Member Posts: 11
I just downloaded the latest update from the Android Playstore today, 08/12/2021. Since the update, parry has become even worse. Parry was already bad for me, but now it is even worse since the update.


  • QfuryQfury Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    Zevais said:

    I just downloaded the latest update from the Android Playstore today, 08/12/2021. Since the update, parry has become even worse. Parry was already bad for me, but now it is even worse since the update.

    I'm not having any gameplay issues ATM other than weird AI
  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    Things are worse for me as well (I hardly had any of the problems other people were having before this update). I am now having increased freezing during fights which of course means as soon as the game unfreezes I have the enemy right on top of me hitting me with a combo or special that I can't block. Also blocking isn't happening reliably now, when I try to dash back sometimes I run forward into the enemy's attack, when I do normal hits I instead wind up doing a heavy that then allows the enemy to hit me before the heavy lands.

    I don't understand how you guys continually mess things up worse and worse. The announcement that you are ending the smaller ongoing compensation is ridiculous considering you actually made things worse for me now.

    I have a Moto G Power (2020) running Android 11.
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    I don't know what device you have but these last 2 updates have been horrendous. I was able to fix the lag/delay by doing this -

    1) Uninstall the game.
    2) Restart the phone.
    3) Install the game from Google store.
    4) Restart the phone.
    5) Start the game, sign in to your account and play.

    You can skip step 2, but it's recommend just to clean up any cache.
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