Will there be a limit to amount of t4cc fragment crystals that we can trade in during Legends Week?
As the title says, I'm wondering if there's going to be a limit to how many times we can trade in our t4cc frag crystals as I (and probably a lot of summoners) have more than enough of those to get hundreds if not thousands of 2% t5cc crystals. I'm hopeful that there isn't one as this would be a hilarious way to get thronebreaker. If there is a limit, what will it be?
Bump because I’d also like to know.
Also everyone flex how many you got
Bottom of the Spiderman event announcement, under Legends trade in store.
Unless you’re really really close to forming one, I wouldn’t recommend doing the trade.
20 T4CC is a lot more precious than 10% T5CC split across 6 classes (or 1.67% per class).
^that can be found here on the “extra extra” post.