Game state diminishing SoP performance

I have read through many of the threads about Summer of pain, and I am aware of the nature of compensation being tiered to story progression and held off until "impact" can be measured. That being said, as a cavalier player in 6.2, the SoP event has presented a unique opportunity for me to progress toward TB by having T5CC in the milestones.
Try as I might (and spend units on revives only to fail from lag or gameplay issues,) I have only managed 4 of the 9 Summer of Pain takedowns. I couldn't do Mysterio, Emma, or a few others, even though I used revives and spent units attempting many of them.
I don't mean to be the complain-y, demand-compensation type. I am sure the comp we receive will be measured and fair; my question mainly lies in where that compensation applies to SoP.
Frankly, the difference between 15K shards and a Nexus + 25% T5CC is... significant for my account. Being only one point off of that reward shift, and knowing it is because of the impact of the state of the game, the question I wanted to pose, is whether or not the compensation will, in any way include a "bump-up" in the summer of pain milestones, especially for cav players who only had the opportunity to make it to milestone 6?
Kabam has done a great job so far in giving ue visibility and warnings with attempting difficult content, which is why I've halted my story progress for now. But with a limited event that will end before the full fix, it's a little infuriating to know that much of my inability to complete those bosses was because I didn't want to "unit man" it through a laggy, 700K health pool. I'm a little itchy about the missed opportunity and rewards not being specifically included in compensation.
Try as I might (and spend units on revives only to fail from lag or gameplay issues,) I have only managed 4 of the 9 Summer of Pain takedowns. I couldn't do Mysterio, Emma, or a few others, even though I used revives and spent units attempting many of them.
I don't mean to be the complain-y, demand-compensation type. I am sure the comp we receive will be measured and fair; my question mainly lies in where that compensation applies to SoP.
Frankly, the difference between 15K shards and a Nexus + 25% T5CC is... significant for my account. Being only one point off of that reward shift, and knowing it is because of the impact of the state of the game, the question I wanted to pose, is whether or not the compensation will, in any way include a "bump-up" in the summer of pain milestones, especially for cav players who only had the opportunity to make it to milestone 6?
Kabam has done a great job so far in giving ue visibility and warnings with attempting difficult content, which is why I've halted my story progress for now. But with a limited event that will end before the full fix, it's a little infuriating to know that much of my inability to complete those bosses was because I didn't want to "unit man" it through a laggy, 700K health pool. I'm a little itchy about the missed opportunity and rewards not being specifically included in compensation.
This is probably not something you want to hear, but sometimes these things happen, both in the players' favor and sometimes in ways that make things harder for the players. The original intent was for SoP to release last year. For various reasons it was pushed to this year. That helped a lot of players who turned Cavalier or TB in the meantime. It was originally supposed to be much, much harder, and I have pretty good reasons for thinking that had it not been delayed it would have been much harder. This also was to the benefit of at least some players, those who would otherwise have been unable to get anywhere near the same amount of rewards.
The game engine update issues are different, and yet not that different. The timing of the engine update placed these problems into the window of SoP, but as I said earlier if things had gone differently we would not be experiencing the bug during SoP but we'd also be experiencing an SoP twice as hard with fewer players qualified to even attempt it.
Maybe Kabam will try to account for this in their compensation package, maybe not, but it is important to remember that these kinds of things are constantly happening, and contrary to the tin-foil hat brigade just as many operate to make things easier for players as make things harder. It all averages out in the end.