What ever happened to the root mechanic?

So y'all remember that event where kabam introduced the root mechanic where you were locked to a specific position in the arena if you or the opponent performed a specific action.
Now this mechanic wasn't too kindly recieved by the community but if I'm correct it was hinted that it would appear somewhere in the game down the line again; in a champ, content nobody knows.
Now this brings me my question, what ever happened to this mechanic. Was it scrapped, will it just appear later down the line? Was the fate of the root mechanic ever communicated and I just missed it?
Now this mechanic wasn't too kindly recieved by the community but if I'm correct it was hinted that it would appear somewhere in the game down the line again; in a champ, content nobody knows.
Now this brings me my question, what ever happened to this mechanic. Was it scrapped, will it just appear later down the line? Was the fate of the root mechanic ever communicated and I just missed it?
That said, I still think there could be a place for it in the game. Encroaching Root would be a welcome substitute to Encroaching Stun, for example. You're still stunned in place but aren't prevented from attacking, blocking or evading if you time it right while standstill. I'd take that change in a heartbeat.
Otherwise the mechanic was alright.
Black Widow’s heavy attack caught me many a time
We have a buff in the game that can counter Peni's autoblock and its undermine. I suspect a fair few of the champs released in the next year or so will have this effext but what happens when there's enough champs with undermine? An autoblock that also counters undermine as well as all the true ... effects and AAR? Hopefully not.
I wouldn't be surprised if next months Kitty pryde has a miss mechanic that counters most of the miss counters we have currently.
Although in something like a Groot rework where the root mechanic would be neat for him to have during a special attack, something that we as the community can use too - I agree that I’d rather wait for the overall game mechanics to improve before ravaging us with this tested and not well received mechanic.