Share your SoP rewards! (Mega thread)

I’m making this a little over 10 hours in advance in an attempt to lessen the inevitable 300 threads that’ll come tomorrow. In the meantime we can all share what milestones we got in the event.
Mr. Norman Osborne aka Iron Patriot will return soon though. Maybe.
Thanks Kabam 😃
This is how I know what I will get🔮🔮🔮
Proceeds to say a number bigger than 10 and calls it little
Fact: there was 17 hours until the timer expired for SOP
Conclusion: there was a little (any number under 10) more than 10 hours remaining until SOP. By his definitions any number under 20 would have been acceptable. Not saying I agree or disagree but this guy/gal/pal didn’t get it at all lol.
It's kinda annoying having to scroll down a few times to see what ppl got.