Showdown leaderboard is out

AND IM NUMBER 8 BABY. Tbh it’s prolly just cus people are waiting till the good strats are out before wasting runs but still. IM NUMBER 8 BABYYYYYY. Prolly won’t be for long but I’m underaged and can’t compete anyways so idc. Also Gratz to everyone else who’s name is on the thing
As you can see here pretty broken already
*Literally laughing at people who took his armor break for the heals.
@Thanks_D19 Pretty sure over time there will be a ton of people that get solos without getting hit. The top of the top do stuff that mere mortals can't.
Won’t be able to go higher without Hercules or Tigra but happy
HAHAHAHAHA 4th place babyyyyyyy
Also as the double flex I got that time on my first and only try lol