Sunspot prestige drop at rank-04

Just noticed that Aunt-mai have the prestige numbers for rank 4 6 stars now. The huge change i saw was that sunspot fell from 2nd highest prestige as 6 star rank 3 to 30th place as Sig 200 Rank 4 6 star. Even in mutant class he got dropped from top spot to 7th spot. Is that correct ? No other class apart from mutant saw highest prestige option dropped like him. So not sure if this is intended or some mistake in numbers. @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit can someone confirm this? I have done a huge investment of bringing Sunspot as my top prestige option as rank 3. I am afraid if all those Sig stones i invested will be wasted.
6 star prestige generally follows the same trend as the 5* and if you check out sunspot his peak is at 5* r3 but falls off at higher ranks.
My big question is cmm, as a 5* she increases a lot from r3-4, but as a 6* according to aunt mai she takes a massive drop, which considering everyone else follows the trend it seems odd