Black Widow Deadly Origin evades Nick and Falcon bug

I don't know if this a known bug already but today in alliance war I fought a BWDO in node 55 with Falcon using his Lock On hability by dashing back 2 seconds and BWDO was able to elude me and I got KO
Then an alliance mate try with NIck fury with 5 intel at least and BWDO again eludes and killed him
Can you please take a look of this?
This issue I guess could be exploited in Alliance war the whole season by many alliances
I don't know if this bug also applies in Arena and Missions
Then an alliance mate try with NIck fury with 5 intel at least and BWDO again eludes and killed him
Can you please take a look of this?
This issue I guess could be exploited in Alliance war the whole season by many alliances
I don't know if this bug also applies in Arena and Missions