Who should be my first R3 6*?

VanPeltstaintVanPeltstaint Member Posts: 28
edited August 2021 in Strategy and Tips
I'm about to claim my T5 CC selectors from SOP rewards and not sure who to go with. I'm familiar playing with Domino and Longshot and have never used Warlock or HT regularly. Currently all my T5CC are around the same (17k-21k) except for Science which is half way to fully formed. I'm leaning towards Warlock or HT for utility despite never using them before.

Who should be my first R3 6*? 43 votes

Human Torch
GarryDKpseudosanemanveertherealJuggerNotdangarang122DarkDuelistH3t3rRenaxqqZeuszeroYodabolt21Draconic_12Salve_maker05 12 votes
Cosmos_2002GoddessIliasMaratoxFiiNCHZephyre33DawsManScrubhanRiptidemagnus_xixOrthoCresolboswartz13 11 votes
Mqc19Kamikaze_TurtleOliverJWdamianohmAckbar67AdvRockypantherxHector_1475Etjamamgj0630ReignkingTWErcarretR1s02EtherealityAddictorTheBair123AJ007Blôdlettersherin_66Unitman 20 votes


  • mgj0630mgj0630 Member Posts: 1,151 ★★★★
    If I could have two votes, I would have given one to Torch too. They can both help with so much, and you can't go wrong with either one.

    Given only one vote though, I'd give the slightest edge to Warlock.
  • GoddessIliasGoddessIlias Member Posts: 706 ★★★★
    Any other answer is just straight up wrong

  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    Shang is really fun and I'm saving my skill nexus crystal for forty five days in hopes to pull him. Torch is really a top tier champ in act 6, 7, abyss. Warlock is helpful in act 6 and is just a utility powerhouse, boutta take mine to r3.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,069 ★★★★★
    I voted Warlock but you should really get a feel for them yourself before ranking them up. That goes for any champ. I've made the mistake before of just listening to others and not trying out a champ ahead of time, and he (*cough*Starky*cough*) just didn't vibe with my playstyle. I find him fairly useful but supremely boring, and he's just sat on the bench for years.

    So explore stuff with both Warlock and Torch, and any other champ you're considering ranking up, until you become comfortable with them. Then make your own decision.

    I mean, you don't have to go beat the Grandmaster with them. Just try them out in EQ or something. See where their niches lie.

    I don't have a 5/6* Torch but I recently r3'd my 6* Warlock and he's amazing. Assuming you click with him, he'll do good things for your account.
  • manveertherealmanveerthereal Member Posts: 1,363 ★★★
    Human Torch
    Torch is the best 6 star science
  • VanPeltstaintVanPeltstaint Member Posts: 28
    Thanks guys! Appreciate the advice and I guess I'll have to see who I like using the most before I rank up. Torch was my initial choice but I might go with Warlock instead for utility, especially when it comes to tech cavalier EQ paths which always seems to involve armor break, shock or power drain.
  • gr8_rahulsamarthgr8_rahulsamarth Member Posts: 17
    shang chi is damn good though i dont have him my uncle has he can do hell lota damage but needs to cycle a lot human torch i too good soo either shang chi or torch

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