Need A Little Guidance With 6.3.6 Boss CapIW
Sweet jeebus did this fight make me look and feel like a chump this weekend. I've tried my hand with both Ghost and SpMIW and still got blown up with nothing to show for it (to be fair, I dont have a lot of experience with either). Any suggestions on what vids to watch or any other characters to use? Help??
When it times out, it is not critical damage, so it does not help you.
Dex and Parry are very important to this fight.
You may want to wait until they get them fixed.
Thank me later.
P. S. : It does help a lot if you have him duped though. 20 sig levels is enough but the sweet spot is 50 .
When I explored 6.3.6 I put Heimdal on the team to survive that first SP3. Obviously from that point you're doing intercepts only, but this method can solo
Now its time to dive into 6.4...