New Quest Format - Custom Roster

Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
So the Summoner Showdown is interesting... but I've got one big problem with it. Some people are screwed over merely because they don't have good counters ranked up. I'm not unskillful just because I haven't ranked up my 5-star She-Hulk yet, or because I haven't obtained a 5-star Hercules. That's not skill.

So my brain started thinking (absolutely unheard of, I know) and came up with this idea, and I'd like to hear what people think of it.

Custom Roster Quests.
Face a set challenge with a pre-made roster of characters to choose from. Rosters provided in these quests are independent of your own roster.
Examples of what you could do with this type of quest:

All maxed out 4-stars - basically Summoner Showdown but players get an even playing field. People aren't screwed over for not having ranked up the best champions.
New Champions + Synergy Partners - You could make some 'new champ playtest' quests to let people try out new champs and their synergies against pre-made fights and get a better feel for whether they want to invest resources to try and get that champion or not.
Other custom rosters - You could do something akin to a Summer of Pain boss fight but with a pre-made roster. Get players to solve even more intricate puzzle box fights that test your game knowledge instead of your RNG-dependant roster. Make it so you don't need to put True Focus on a boss; just don't let people bring Quake or Ghost. SoP Emma but we don't need to have armor break immunity on it; we just only let you use champs with either no access, or very hard-to-access armor breaks. Throw us a Havok so you can show us how insane Taskmaster can be against him. Stuff like that.
Custom Roster Champ Swap nodes (basically this Custom Roster thing but for the Champ Swap Nodes) - hey we've got some cool ideas for champs for you to use for this boss fight, would you like to try them out? Maybe you've got some champs already in your party who can help them out, too.

Maybe that sort of thing would be harder to program than what I'm imagining. Maybe it wouldn't get used much. And I imagine giving rewards for those sorts of quests would be... interesting to balance.
But hey, that's fine if it's not possible or something you don't think is worth making right now. I just wanted to get this idea out there, whether it's good or bad, and get some feedback.


  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,124 ★★★★★
    As long as we can be sure that nobody has access to those Champions outside of the Showdown, I could see it.
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