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Heavy Attacks

dirt13jrdirt13jr Posts: 177 ★★
Idk if its just me but i find that a champions heavy animation actually really matters, for example BWCV or doom have super quick heavy animations as suppose to somebody like NF or tigra who have quite long heavy animations. I genuinely think it matters a lot especially with nodes where heavies are needed to keep the fight going (such as icarus or flux dispersal) and if you are fighting an evade champ then they can evade that last part of NF heavy where as they cannot against dooms heavy


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    HoitadoHoitado Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    What’s the point of this post?

    By that I mean what purpose does it serve?
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    Neev_4321Neev_4321 Posts: 133
    There is no point of this post, long or short heavy animation is favourable or unfavorable and different scenarios. What do you want anyone to do about it
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    swmcswswmcsw Posts: 249 ★★
    I value long heavies. Cable helped me a lot this month against rogue, when you needed to get rid of the furies could bait out a sp 1 and stand back a little further and easily counter heavy the end of her attack. But yeah longer heavies for me help me heavy counter in general where I whiff shorter heavies because I have spacing messed up or something.
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    Malreck04Malreck04 Posts: 3,323 ★★★★★
    Dunno what’s up with everyone, but it is actually important for stuff like stun immune matchups where you need your heavy or some space
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    LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Posts: 8,643 ★★★★★
    dirt13jr said:

    damn people in forums woke up on the wrong side of the bed, everyone here just simply hates other humans. my bad for having an opinion i won’t next time

    Keep having opinions. IDK why people have to be so negative. Best to ignore it.
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    The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Posts: 7,783 ★★★★★
    Malreck04 said:

    Dunno what’s up with everyone, but it is actually important for stuff like stun immune matchups where you need your heavy or some space

    dirt13jr said:

    damn people in forums woke up on the wrong side of the bed, everyone here just simply hates other humans. my bad for having an opinion i won’t next time

    Keep having opinions. IDK why people have to be so negative. Best to ignore it.
    Yea fr.
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    Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Posts: 1,890 ★★★★★
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    SwarmOfRavensSwarmOfRavens Posts: 1,264 ★★★★★
    The duration of the heavy is important but means a lot less to me than heavy reach and whether it can be chained in the corner.
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    Thanos1149Thanos1149 Posts: 1,136 ★★★
    Longer heavies are pretty useful in some scenarios, for example, Hyperion’s or IMIW would be great if you were gonna get bane inflicted on you soon. But shorter heavies are better for the defenders (the opponent, not us), because if heavysterio had longer heavies to intercept in between, he would be less of a pain. But he has a very short heavy attack which, let’s be honest, has the shortest heavy recovery times too, which makes him annoying especially with his AI. But longer heavies are usually preferable in most scenarios
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    BitterSteelBitterSteel Posts: 9,262 ★★★★★
    Another point is how far the champion travels during their heavy. Tigra and massacre are good examples of this. It means you can chain a champion in the corner easier. For example, Ghost SoP, tigra and massacre can both heavy attack after her special and continue heavy attacking her in the corner. Makes that fight much simpler
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    GrandOldKaiGrandOldKai Posts: 788 ★★★★
    I find Immortal Hulk's heavy recovery to be rather long when it whiffs (as an AI), much like the Hood.

    What other characters have a long heavy recovery?
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    Amntis1000Amntis1000 Posts: 31
    edited August 2021
    I'm just here to say if you're fighting DDHK on a bane node and he fires off sp1. You'll die before he finishes it. So yes heavy animation matters just as much for the similar reasoning. The longer the animation the longer it can take to get offense going again which can negatively impact many things (encroaching stun is a great example too)
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