Looking for 2 new players for our alliance

hello all. i am once again searching for 2 new players for our alliance Bada$$ Warriors. we are a gold 2 alliance currently running 3 BGs during season with assigned battlegroups and Defenders. we also run Map 5 for AQ with 1 day of epic mods and 4 days of master. we are a hardworking alliance, but we also understand and can accomodate for disruptions of everyday life (we all experience them) as long as these are not disrupting to the flow of the alliance.
we do have a few requirements that would preferably be fullfilled by the members who would like to join, but we can work around these if it feels right. first of all we would like a minimum of 9k prestige and 1 million champion rating although higher is always better. second of all we require LINE for communication and this is how we will discuss further before an invite is sent.
if anyone is interested please contact myself on LINE with my I.D: illusion_8
thanks all
we do have a few requirements that would preferably be fullfilled by the members who would like to join, but we can work around these if it feels right. first of all we would like a minimum of 9k prestige and 1 million champion rating although higher is always better. second of all we require LINE for communication and this is how we will discuss further before an invite is sent.
if anyone is interested please contact myself on LINE with my I.D: illusion_8
thanks all
Do you have to ask certain people over and over to move or join?
I'm tired in my current alliance of asking ppl to join or move sometimes and can join after this war season, if everyone in your alliance is responsible to join and move.