Odds are ridiculously high but still possible of course. Let me ask you this, if these were two champs you wanted, would you be complaining about it? Just sayin...
Oh yeah? Show your proof if you wanna make that kinda comment. One single example where god tier and above were given like that... otherwise shut it!!!
Oh yeah? Show your proof if you wanna make that kinda comment. One single example where god tier and above were given like that... otherwise shut it!!!
no offense, but a very stupid take. the odds of you pulling two moon knights in a row is the exact same as the odds of you pulling two ghosts in a row.
Yeah because kabam have no tiers in the drop rates 🙄 is that how every single dual class crystal I've ever bought has been bottom tier and there's been a lot! Is that how after 6 years of playing I still haven't pulled quake, ghost, Ægon, wasp, killmonger etc but I've duped sentry 6 times? 🤣 pull the other one, it's rigged
Back when Corvus was first added to 5* basic, I popped 4 5* crystals I had saved up... pulled Corvus on 2nd crystal and again on the 4th so I know this can happen the other way too. Is it more rare to pull top tier champs multiple times in a batch of crystals? Of course, top tier champs are MORE RARE.
I pulled 3 Things in a row, so yes a chance of pulling 2 got tiers in row is possible since I did 3 times. After that I pulled 6 star iron patriot but that is a completely different story which I would not like to talk about. Also, a massive F for you from me