Why does Namor need sig 200?

Tru100Tru100 Member Posts: 260 ★★
edited August 2021 in Strategy and Tips
I get that the 100% damage reflect at max sig is a particularly unique and powerful piece of utility. But isn’t the 65% he gets at sig 120 also very valuable? Like exactly 35% less valuable than the max sig?

I recently duped my 6* and never use him, but was thinking about putting some stones in and checking him out more. But most commentary about him suggests he’s not even worth ranking if not at max sig. Any non max-sig Namor users out there to comment?
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on


  • ChriissRChriissR Member Posts: 655 ★★★★
    It's to reflect 100% damage back. Anything less then 100%, you'll take some damage back, and in high level content you definitely don't want that.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Same reason you wouldn’t want 65% DAAR, if you’re facing thorns and 35% of your attacks are triggering damage back to you, you won’t survive long. Champs like that and namor, it’s kind of an all or nothing game. If you don’t have namor at max sig you’d rarely use him over someone else
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian
    Tru100 said:

    I get that the 100% damage reflect at max sig is a particularly unique and powerful piece of utility. But isn’t the 65% he gets at sig 120 also very valuable? Like exactly 35% less valuable than the max sig?

    I recently duped my 6* and never use him, but was thinking about putting some stones in and checking him out more. But most commentary about him suggests he’s not even worth ranking if not at max sig. Any non max-sig Namor users out there to comment?

    The short answer is the people saying he’s worthless below max sig are wrong, but also there’s a huge difference between 65% damage reflection and 100%.

    If the question is: do you need max sig? The answer is no, you don’t. But if the question is should you max sig Namor, the answer is yes. Once you’ve decided to sink 130 sig levels into Namor to get 35% damage reflect, you might as well go all the way because there’s accelerating returns on additional sig stones. It took 130 sig levels, more or less, to reduce incoming damage to 35% of original. It’s only going to take another 30 or so sig levels to cut incoming damage in half from there, from 35% to 17ish%. Another 20 sig levels will cut that in half again, to around 8 or 9%. Each sig stone after that is significantly reducing relative damage, so it’s logical to just keep going until you get max protection.

    If you’re going to max sig Namor but he’s currently at sig 160, there’s no reason to bench him until he’s max sig. But there’s no good reason to stop short and say he’s good enough below 200, because those last few sig stones you don’t give him are the most valuable ones.
  • WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Member Posts: 1,376 ★★★★
    I have a 6* R3 Namor with Sig 140 (around 75%). Well, I never was a big fan of him anyway, so I rarely use him … but he‘s like an investment for the future.

    He‘s not that far from max Sig and is very useful then (just think about Grandmaster Gauntlet, did it 100% and some fights like Terrax and Korg were really painful without Namor).

    Think he‘s still great with lower Sig, but he can only really shine with max Sig.
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