My SoP Finale Experience

I cannot express how much I did not want to fight Mysterio again and I wasn’t too keen on the idea of fighting Ghost again either, so I didn’t. The exploration rewards are nice, but hey, the real rewards are the milestones (i.e. those sweet generic sigs and r4 materials) and you don’t need to explore it to get them.

So I ran the Venom path five times and the Sinister path once. Here are the champs I used and whether or not I thought they were good choices or not:
Mystic: Doom. This is the one I did the sinister path with. As expected, Doom is a great champ for this.
Science: She-Hulk. Soloed both Venom and Hydra Adaptiod with ease. Not too bad for the GM but you will have to revive because she doesn’t have a damaging debuff.
Skill: Ægon. Pretty okay for the path and good for the GM. Expect to revive because of his damaging debuff being locked behind his sp2.
Cosmic: CGR: Soloed the Venom, trash against Hydra Adaptiod. Not very good against the GM, at least not on my run.
Tech: G2099. Solid champ, has to revive for the GM a few times because she can’t crit.
Mutant: Sunspot. Good for Venom and HA. Terrible for the GM. I swear, the GM was breaking through my block nonspot and was just being difficult.
Total Unit Cost: A lot.
Was it worth it? Probably.

So I ran the Venom path five times and the Sinister path once. Here are the champs I used and whether or not I thought they were good choices or not:
Mystic: Doom. This is the one I did the sinister path with. As expected, Doom is a great champ for this.
Science: She-Hulk. Soloed both Venom and Hydra Adaptiod with ease. Not too bad for the GM but you will have to revive because she doesn’t have a damaging debuff.
Skill: Ægon. Pretty okay for the path and good for the GM. Expect to revive because of his damaging debuff being locked behind his sp2.
Cosmic: CGR: Soloed the Venom, trash against Hydra Adaptiod. Not very good against the GM, at least not on my run.
Tech: G2099. Solid champ, has to revive for the GM a few times because she can’t crit.
Mutant: Sunspot. Good for Venom and HA. Terrible for the GM. I swear, the GM was breaking through my block nonspot and was just being difficult.
Total Unit Cost: A lot.
Was it worth it? Probably.
I found he was great for adaptoid once you made sure and place 5 judgements on him every time you threw sp2 (vigilance+ part gain+altitude then two when you throw sp2). That would remove any unstoppable he would proc and also kept him from endlessly gaining power via three fate seal.
He was okay for the GM, but the path only gives you 3 blunders so that sucks with anyone with all these dex and parry issues
Though path fights were soloed but GM due to bug ate my 2.5k units because blunders were limited to 3 and Ronan can’t do DoT missions and maximum tokens were 8. I kept getting frustrated as how can he hitting so low.
I thought i may not be able to explore it and about to go with the same strategy as you applied by doing Symbiot supreme path with various classes but then grinded arena and explored it somehow.
As a F2P player time limited events always scares as we don’t know in the available time the required units can be grinded or not.
Since I had so much trouble with GM, even with the only node being an inability to gain power, I definitely would not be able to handle a lot of the other nodes. I have been thinking on either passing on further Objective milestones, or just doing one path for all the Objectives.
Sinister or the Emma paths seem like they would make the GM fight easier, but I am not really wanting to fight Sinister or Emma. I might just pass on doing more.