Ghost rider rework

Ghost rider buff
Immunity to bleed, poison, and coldsnap
When inflicted with incinerate ghost rider takes 100% less damage and gains 5% of max power a second for the duration
Judgements are activated based on the combo used allowing utility where needed on the go. Each judgement can be activated once.
Activate a fury buff granting 50% of modified attack for 10 seconds
Activate a power gain buff granting 10% of max power over 10 seconds
Ending with a light
Place a fate seal on the enemy for 4 seconds nullifying all buffs new and old
Inflict a degen dealing 30% of the damage the last special attack did per judgement used for 10 seconds then reset judgements
Designer note
Basically this is your damage you can choose fury for direct damage or the degen for damage over time. Combine fury with the heavy aptitude and degen for massive damage over time
The degen deals the total number the special did meaning if a Sp2 did 150000 then the degen will do 30000 with out judgements
Holding heavy grants a aptitude for each judgement on ghost rider granting 50% more potency for 10 seconds then reset
If ghost rider has more then 5 judgements he gains
Unlockable specials
100% crit chance
300 crit damage
Inflict power siphon for 30 seconds draining 3% of max power every second and giving that power to you.
Heal 10% of max health and inflict a armour break reducing armor by 1000 per judgement used
Inflict a permanent incinerate on ghost rider. Power lock the enemy for 4 seconds as well
High damage
Plenty of specials
Power control
High healing
Plenty of immunities
Flaming skull
A tricky playstyle
Immunity to bleed, poison, and coldsnap
When inflicted with incinerate ghost rider takes 100% less damage and gains 5% of max power a second for the duration
Judgements are activated based on the combo used allowing utility where needed on the go. Each judgement can be activated once.
Activate a fury buff granting 50% of modified attack for 10 seconds
Activate a power gain buff granting 10% of max power over 10 seconds
Ending with a light
Place a fate seal on the enemy for 4 seconds nullifying all buffs new and old
Inflict a degen dealing 30% of the damage the last special attack did per judgement used for 10 seconds then reset judgements
Designer note
Basically this is your damage you can choose fury for direct damage or the degen for damage over time. Combine fury with the heavy aptitude and degen for massive damage over time
The degen deals the total number the special did meaning if a Sp2 did 150000 then the degen will do 30000 with out judgements
Holding heavy grants a aptitude for each judgement on ghost rider granting 50% more potency for 10 seconds then reset
If ghost rider has more then 5 judgements he gains
Unlockable specials
100% crit chance
300 crit damage
Inflict power siphon for 30 seconds draining 3% of max power every second and giving that power to you.
Heal 10% of max health and inflict a armour break reducing armor by 1000 per judgement used
Inflict a permanent incinerate on ghost rider. Power lock the enemy for 4 seconds as well
High damage
Plenty of specials
Power control
High healing
Plenty of immunities
Flaming skull
A tricky playstyle
A tricky playstyle"
True that with the tricky playstyle, reading all that gave me vivid flashbacks to punch out.. *shudders*
Yup that were some of the ideas came from, fair but really challenging
Yeah but with will power the gains bonus health and 10% heal from sp2
I tend to be in the "don't change him too much" camp. I like how he is at the moment, he just needs a few number tweaks and the uncertainty regarding whether or not you end up placing judgements removed. I hate that aspect of him. Sometimes he works wonderfully, sometimes nothing activates. I've played entire fights without triggering a single judgement simply because the game decided that I should fight with an absolute noodle throughout the match.
That said, I think you have some good ideas. If I understand your description of the heavy attack right and it resets the judgements back to 0, I really like that. Having to build up to an SP3, especially without any power gain mechanics, is just really tedious (especially since you have to use the specials on the way to an SP3 to get the full benefit). Having much easier access to that reset would be great, and the heavy is as good a place as any.