Are you hyped about compensation? - sorry, another compensation thread..

Well it's got to be today or tomorrow, right? I'm sorry, but it's another compensation thread (at least i haven't made 27 thread about compensation)
I woke up at 3am this morning and went on the game just to see people talking in global about compensation.
Somebody said they want an Abyss Nexus, someone else said they want 50% T5CC selector. Very unrealistic. Very NOT HAPPENING.
I'm pretty happy that compensation is coming by the end of tomorrow, and I trust Kabam will do us some justice because it's been a very stressful 2 months.
Do you think compensation will lean towards Units, Revives and Health Potions, Crystal Shards, Rank Up Materials or Glory?
Or a bit of all?
I'm interested in the topic, So Let's chat about it!
I woke up at 3am this morning and went on the game just to see people talking in global about compensation.
Somebody said they want an Abyss Nexus, someone else said they want 50% T5CC selector. Very unrealistic. Very NOT HAPPENING.
I'm pretty happy that compensation is coming by the end of tomorrow, and I trust Kabam will do us some justice because it's been a very stressful 2 months.
Do you think compensation will lean towards Units, Revives and Health Potions, Crystal Shards, Rank Up Materials or Glory?
Or a bit of all?
I'm interested in the topic, So Let's chat about it!
Very funny though!
Very funny though! Genius! They'll only give the bare minimum, or LOWER! haha
Umm so what are you doing on the forum?
August has 31 days so it could come Tuesday although I really hope it comes tomorrow
In australia (where i live) it's mid day on the 30th right now!
I believe even those are more than what we will get. They gave us 3 potions and 3 revives for 8 token bug for SoP GM.
That makes sense. I thought of that at first too 😂
Expect us not to even get it at the time they said we would.
And depending on how much you play it affects you more or less... I expected that they "paid" at least the 60% of revives that I used... no Matter how... revives, units, whatever they want... I think I'm not responsible for the lot of resources wasted to keep playing... I don't want anything more BUT anything less..
I want to keep playing but if I feel unfair the compensation I can't keep trying to achieve goals fighting in such a disadvantage. It makes you feel like a obstinate dumb..