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Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
edited August 2021 in Strategy and Tips
I'm not sure who I should pick from here. New champ and hope for buff? Newly buffed champ? Or Sabretooth dupe?

Post edited by Kabam Habanero on


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    Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    Not excited about any of them, but honestly not sure who to pick this time. Normally I don't post in the forums for something like this but I may go Joe Fix It and hope for a good buff. Not that excited about Spidey buff.
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    TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    Probably go for miles and hope the buff coming up is good. If you run suicides and have omega, then Saberman ain't too bad either, bit I'd roll the dice on Miles and hope for the best.
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    JustDre2008JustDre2008 Posts: 10
    Miles just got buffed so I would go with him
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    thanks4playingthanks4playing Posts: 805 ★★★
    Miles with dupe has potential and is a damage dealer. I do think sabertooth is underrated and doesn't need dupe and has nice synergies. If you use km and or already then maybe sabertooth. Otherwise I'd go with miles BC of dupe (his prestige is bad tho)
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    magnus_xixmagnus_xix Posts: 2,019 ★★★★★
    Sabretooth's sig is mostly for defense and pretty rubbish at low levels. Joe fixit lost the buff vote so probably won't be getting buffed anytime soon. I'd go with Miles.
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    thanks4playingthanks4playing Posts: 805 ★★★

    Sabretooth's sig is mostly for defense and pretty rubbish at low levels. Joe fixit lost the buff vote so probably won't be getting buffed anytime soon. I'd go with Miles.

    Oh I didn't realize sabertooth wasn't new. Yes miles easily
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    ErcarretErcarret Posts: 2,809 ★★★★★
    I'd also go with Miles. From what I've seen, he really needs high sig to shine and you won't get it without first awakening him. Fixit will be buffed eventually but he lost the vote by a pretty large margin (probably since no one had him) so it'll probably be a while before he's buffed.

    So yeah, I say go with Miles.
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