6R3 Ghost and Immortal Abomination or New CGR

_Reef_Reef Member Posts: 270
edited August 2021 in Strategy and Tips
Planned on r3 Duped Ghost and Immortal Abomination, just used all Cosmic t5 to r3 CMM for thronebreaker, none left. 6* Nexus just pulled CGR. How should I used SoP 4x t5cc selector?

6R3 Ghost and Immortal Abomination or New CGR 8 votes

R3 Duped Ghost and Imm Abom
EtjamaMother_FlerkenNimorScrubhanScarcity27 5 votes
R3 CGR only
Ewell65SSS69RenaxqqTheBoogyMan 3 votes
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