
How I did the completion of act 7.2 and I still can’t get to become thronebreaker can’t find tier 5 class cat to rank up my champions.I did act 7.2 and have a 6* r2 what else I have to do to become thronebreaker 

Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
Not trying to diminish your achievement but act 7 completion is really the minumum one can do to reach TB so I doubt many were able to get TB just by doing act 7.
I recently became thronebreaker but I had to explore 6.1, V6, v7, completed 7.1, 7.2, did EQ every month, explored 7.1
I only *just* finished off GM, haven't even looked at act 7 yet ...
R3 Venom, prior to GM ..
Sitting on a full Skill and Science T5CC .. (Stealthy Spidey, and She-hulk in waiting .. )
and mutant, Mystic and Tech are about 1/2 formed ..
No Labyrinth of Legends, hardly any variants ...
not even sure where I keep getting the stuff .. LOL Monthly EQ .. objectives .. etc etc ..
No, they're not "easy" nor common .. but really .. they aren't *that* hard to come by ...
I think my basic timeline is:
Jan 2021: started tracking/collecting ... <10k in each class
May 2021: Skill and mystic jumped up to about 20k
Jun 2021: Cosmic jumps to 27k
Jul 2021: Cosmic to 36k, Sci to 26k
Aug 2021: Cosmic completed (Thx SoP), Sci up to 44k, Skill to 30k
End of Aug: Sci and Skill formed.
8 months as cavalier ... 3 T5CC formed.
(and yes, I'm F2P ... no purchases - except maybe a unit offer here and there ... )
Also, if you have 50% of one class T5CC you can guarantee yourself TB, it's actually really easy to do
If you don't have the time to side quests don't do them but you should expect to have less resources than people who did.
You could have literally logged in once a week for 9 weeks completed a single fight each of those weeks and formed 75% t5cc. But I'm guessing you didn't have the time for that either.