My plan for my first run in Lol

Spiderham14Spiderham14 Member Posts: 66
edited September 2021 in Strategy and Tips
I am primarily using ultron, but I will use gaurdian if needed. Gaurdian and ultron is the only r5. R4 hulkbuster,r3 modok, and r1 white mags. My path is going to fight star lord, Thor Jane, then go up to Hell’s Kitchen, then venompool, then cyclops blue team, then Rino, then venom, iron fist, civil warrior, and lastly maestro. If you have any suggestion please let me know!!

Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • Ken1378Ken1378 Member Posts: 279 ★★★
    Why on Earth would you put yourself through that? Rewards aren’t even that good. And I’m not sure you have enough units anyway. Unless you have a ton of items stashed.
  • Spiderham14Spiderham14 Member Posts: 66
    @Riptide i’ved learned that ultron a sp3 cauterize is infinite and it stacks
  • Spiderham14Spiderham14 Member Posts: 66
    @Ken1378 because I’ve never done lol or even attempted abyss, so I thought that I have all these revives and potions in my overflow, I’ll try my very first run at lol. Sorry that not everyone isn’t as skilled as metal sonic dude or sweadah, where there only challenge is abyss.
  • Ken1378Ken1378 Member Posts: 279 ★★★
    Fair enough. Maybe Ultron will work a lot better than I think. I’m just saying it’s a grind and there are a lot better options out there as far as rewards. Almost all of the Variants, for example. Or Act 6 and 7 (unless you’re road blocked there somewhere, I guess).
  • Spiderham14Spiderham14 Member Posts: 66
    edited August 2021
    @Ken1378 Yeah I’m right now stuck on 6.3.1. For variant wise, I’ve completed the heroes variant, villains variant, and moon knight variant.
  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 716 ★★★
    Maestro sucks with a tech champ because soon as he triggers regen you have to quit out or his regen is nuts without someone that scales like sl or g2099.

    Rhino would be really long for ultron as well because of the physical resistance he gets but your kinda stuck with that team between him and ultron as which one you choose either your sp does nothing or your regular attacks do nothing.

    Guardian energy resistant should be able to take magik. (I haven't tried maybe look that up) if so I would do the hybrid easy path. After uc cut into col then get back out at falcon finish easy path from there.

    That's a good lane but your still going to hate life on Maestro pending your rng with his regen buff.

    Good luck
  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 716 ★★★
    Oh just noticed that map actually has that hybrid path I did well before it was on a map.
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    Like I would play around with him in there, its just not worth it. If you can do it itemless go for it, but otherwise dont spend the time and items.
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  • Ace2319Ace2319 Member Posts: 619 ★★★
    I just tried it and it works but I wouldn’t do it yet. You don’t want to spend resources just to end up stuck. Might be fun to practice with him in there though
  • raviXsharmaraviXsharma Member Posts: 577 ★★★

    @Riptide i’ved learned that ultron a sp3 cauterize is infinite and it stacks

    If that's your Trump card, don't. I've done my first run and with that I can say your first plan should be:
    *Have a maxed Ægon!*
  • raviXsharmaraviXsharma Member Posts: 577 ★★★

    @Riptide i’ved learned that ultron a sp3 cauterize is infinite and it stacks

    If that's your **** card, don't. I've done my first run and with that I can say your first plan should be:
    *Have a maxed Ægon!*
    Which is that a star? I literally wrote T,r,u,m,p. But ok.
  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★

    Maestro sucks with a tech champ because soon as he triggers regen you have to quit out or his regen is nuts without someone that scales like sl or g2099.

    Rhino would be really long for ultron as well because of the physical resistance he gets but your kinda stuck with that team between him and ultron as which one you choose either your sp does nothing or your regular attacks do nothing.

    Guardian energy resistant should be able to take magik. (I haven't tried maybe look that up) if so I would do the hybrid easy path. After uc cut into col then get back out at falcon finish easy path from there.

    That's a good lane but your still going to hate life on Maestro pending your rng with his regen buff.

    Good luck

    SL can’t keep up with the regen, you have to quit as soon as the regen triggers.
    Agreed with everything else 😉

  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    Post your roster...? Reviving through 6.3.1 may be better...
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  • Zephyre33Zephyre33 Member Posts: 206
    Focus on act 6 it has better reward lol in this time isn't worth it do it only if u have aegon
  • Spiderham14Spiderham14 Member Posts: 66
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    6.3.1 is relatively easy with that roster and revives... Assume you lane clear with CMM??

    Nick, bwcv, sym supreme for Medusa boss. You have a ton of great options for her as back up too; hit monkey, venom.

    In fact, all of act 6 is feasible with that roster as can't see any substantial roadblocks.

    I mean, you even have aegon, doom, torch so you could go abyss instead with 2k more units. I suck at this game and did a single abyss run but have not touched LOL.

  • Spiderham14Spiderham14 Member Posts: 66
    @Moosetiptronic what path would you recommended for me in 6.3.1?
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    I did the path ending in mysterio as it seemed the least objectionable option, given I was using Omega and Corvus with suicides to clear the lanes.

    I used blade; parry, sp2 for Medusa, which was a fantastically painful experience. Did it back in January this year, so a bit faded as a memory on the path.

    But you have MUCH better boss options, with sym the best on paper. Think I used 15+ revives on medusa, so you'll do much better than that!

    Thing is, if you're looking to push on, you have to get past 6.4.6 eventually and get a rank 3. For that, you've got to get past Medusa first and of course get a t5cc.

    So genuinely, there is nothing to gain from LOL that is worth the spend, compared to act 6 progress and possibly, abyss.
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    Use your colossus!!! Stick two fingers in your nose. close both eyes and press the screen a couple of times. He is the easiest champ to use for you initial clear, and great fun aswell.
    Bring Omega Red, Emma Frost, Juggernaut and Proff x. Even 3*'s will do. Bring up your proff x whenever you have a couple of percentages left on someone. He will give a nice bonus on Colossus' specials.

    Even at rank 4 colossus would smash the easy path. I also used aegon for 5 paths. But the 2 where I used colossus were by far the most fun.
  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 716 ★★★
    edited September 2021
    Zan0 said:

    Oh just noticed that map actually has that hybrid path I did well before it was on a map.

    That path has been on a map since week 1 just fyi
    You sure about that funny 1st map shows it cutting in to get spider and x23 almost like that version 2.2 means something.

  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 716 ★★★
    edited September 2021
    Well we'll look at that r5 aegon. Easy street right there. Aegon and syn and your golden. He shuts down everything once you got that 999 combo unblockable no limbo hit like a truck.

    I want to say quake fury proxima and Heimdall and away you go syn. Doesn't matter their lvl aegon is doing it all.
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  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 716 ★★★
    Zan0 said:

    Zan0 said:

    Oh just noticed that map actually has that hybrid path I did well before it was on a map.

    That path has been on a map since week 1 just fyi
    You sure about that funny 1st map shows it cutting in to get spider and x23 almost like that version 2.2 means something.

    You acting like you invented some path lmao. I did that path when labyrinth got added with my 4 star starlord like many many many people
    I've never seen anyone do that bar me, all I knew that did it went hrough cyc. I also did it with 4* sl when it came out. Why would I check new maps when it's done.
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