Where are the L1 alliance revives ???

Like seriously, enough is enough. Kabam, you are starving us from these.
Why do we have to wait this long when there has been a million bugs ?
Can we get a mod to address this ? We need alliance revives available in a much more reliable way.
Perhaps make them available all the time in the loyalty store like the war boosts.

Also feel as if summoner advancement should provide more than 2.
Nevertheless, we are way past due for these L1 alliance revives in the loyalty store.
Things like this that make me want to quit. Just saying.


  • XxxButterflyxxXXxxButterflyxxX Member Posts: 9
    Just had to spend units on alliance revives for map 7 mini. Omega busting through my blocks. And guess what ? No alliance revives in the loyalty store again.
  • ThēMandalorianThēMandalorian Member Posts: 368 ★★★★
    I'm convinced they have been discontinued and they forgot to tell us.

    After all, nothing else makes sense. And no Communication is a slap in the face of every consumer that plays this game.
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    They should have those like they do the war boosts, a limited amount per week. I would say 5, but that's me.
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