Add new champions as milestone rewards in arena for accounts that aren’t uncollected

I have a very strange relationship with this game. Up until this year, my favourite thing to do in this game was to create a new account, take advantage of all the insane beginner bonuses, and get uncollected in less than a week. It was great, and one of the best parts about this was the arena, specially the beginner bracket, but now that the arena has been updated, what’s happened to the beginner bracket?
The beginner bracket was essentially a time period where for the first 30 days, beginners would only be competing for arena ranked rewards against other beginners. This meant that even if your account had been running for a week, you were able to get some basic, or even with some time and effort, featured four star champions. This was incredible, as it allowed beginners to have a chance to play the new characters while getting game experience in the arena.
However, since the arena has updated, the concept of the beginner bracket has practically vanished. The closest thing to it is the new 4* nexus arena, which is the only champion arena available before an account becomes uncollected. But this arena, and I hate to say it, seems really fishy. I can’t help but be suspicious when looking at the leaderboards. And to add to that, I tried a new account out in the arena, put up the amount of points that would normally bet me a basic four star champion, around 700k points, and I only placed in the 45% - 26% bracket.
Maybe within a month I’d be able to level up my four star roster enough to get one of those nexus crystals, but as I’d said before, I generally get uncollected in a month. A month is enough time for me to usually get 1-3 five star champions, or on really good months, a six star. It’s been seen over the past few days that a free to play account can get cavalier in a week, but that same account couldn’t get a four star nexus in the arena?
Why remove the new champions from arena for beginners? Why make the only arena available nearly impossible to rank highly in? I suggest that the character arenas be brought back with the new champions available as at least 3 stars for a low amount of points. For the amount of changes made to accommodate beginner in the past couple of years, the changes to arena do the opposite.
The beginner bracket was essentially a time period where for the first 30 days, beginners would only be competing for arena ranked rewards against other beginners. This meant that even if your account had been running for a week, you were able to get some basic, or even with some time and effort, featured four star champions. This was incredible, as it allowed beginners to have a chance to play the new characters while getting game experience in the arena.
However, since the arena has updated, the concept of the beginner bracket has practically vanished. The closest thing to it is the new 4* nexus arena, which is the only champion arena available before an account becomes uncollected. But this arena, and I hate to say it, seems really fishy. I can’t help but be suspicious when looking at the leaderboards. And to add to that, I tried a new account out in the arena, put up the amount of points that would normally bet me a basic four star champion, around 700k points, and I only placed in the 45% - 26% bracket.
Maybe within a month I’d be able to level up my four star roster enough to get one of those nexus crystals, but as I’d said before, I generally get uncollected in a month. A month is enough time for me to usually get 1-3 five star champions, or on really good months, a six star. It’s been seen over the past few days that a free to play account can get cavalier in a week, but that same account couldn’t get a four star nexus in the arena?
Why remove the new champions from arena for beginners? Why make the only arena available nearly impossible to rank highly in? I suggest that the character arenas be brought back with the new champions available as at least 3 stars for a low amount of points. For the amount of changes made to accommodate beginner in the past couple of years, the changes to arena do the opposite.