Beast's Freestyle Combo Bugged

Beast's freestyle combo is bugged. The timer for his combo is not resetting on his 3rd hit causing him to not get the bonus for successfully completing a combo.

Device: Galaxy S10
Mobile Carrier: AT&T
Cellular or Wifi: Wifi
Game Version: Current
Game Mode: Realm of Legends
Active Boosts: N/A

Device: Galaxy S10
Mobile Carrier: AT&T
Cellular or Wifi: Wifi
Game Version: Current
Game Mode: Realm of Legends
Active Boosts: N/A
His Acrobatic combo works as intended, but his Freestyle combo timer seems to be bugged and doesn’t "refresh" as the combo continues.
My device: Galaxy S20 FE
Arena, Iphone SE
Since the last update, i found out that Beast can no longer complete his Freestyle chain combo (signature ability).
The game seems to start another chain when Beast hits with a third light attack.
iPhone Xr - iOS 14.7.1
MCOC up to date
Arena mode
It looks like what is happening is that Acrobatic correctly gives about 2 seconds to land the next hit, but Freestyle only gives 2 seconds to land the entire combo, which isn't long enough.