Roster update 5* Champions for November

I have a question about when the 6 new champions (Hyperion, Howard, Gwenpool, Cable, Dormammu, and Hood) will be added to the Basic 5* Champion Pool. Thus far, they have been added after the first Tuesday update of the month, but as that weekly transition happens between the 31st of Oct (Tues) to the 1st of Nov (a Wednesday), and then the next being on the 7th of Nov, it raises the question: Will these new champions be added by the 1st of Nov, or not until the 8th of Nov?
I know it's a minor detail, but I'm asking as it'll affect when I use my collected 5* shards on the Featured 5* Crystals for Spider-man (Stark Enhanced).
I know it's a minor detail, but I'm asking as it'll affect when I use my collected 5* shards on the Featured 5* Crystals for Spider-man (Stark Enhanced).