War - by default place same champions in same places

How about the default (which can be easily changed) is to place the same defenders in the same locations, so that if the player does nothing except hit join and OK then it will be the same as the previous war.

Of course, if they weren't playing last war then not; if a champion is not available then not; but otherwise yes.

Because in most teams, most of the time, there's going to be very little change to defenders or placements; so why do 30 people have to redo it (and the officers check placements) every 2 days, over and over again?

If needed, offer a 'clear placement' button that takes them all off the nodes and back to nowhere.


  • MutantA___4444MutantA___4444 Member Posts: 186 ★★
    what if you wanted to put your champs in the same place that some one else has already put their champs it would lead to confusion its better to just take 2minutes and place 5 hero's
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,674 ★★★★
    Aye. For someone those two minutes is too valuable to throw it away to place defenders. A simple enter and auto replace the defenders with an click of an button would make their life better or just throw them randomly and someone that has the battleground responsibility handle it or have an fixed placement node number to place your defenders.

    I be honest here - I think it’s **** when someone excuses their way out, with exception as visiting graveyard or something like that, when you’ve had a full 24hours to give 30-40 seconds to place your defenders.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,126 ★★★★★
    I like the idea, a lot of alliances usually try to do assigned nodes and in case people do you want to make a change, leadership can still move things around like they currently do
  • JackDiamondJackDiamond Member Posts: 133

    what if you wanted to put your champs in the same place that some one else has already put their champs it would lead to confusion its better to just take 2minutes and place 5 hero's

    If the spots are full then they will have to place manually
  • JackDiamondJackDiamond Member Posts: 133
    Daddrieda said:

    Aye. For someone those two minutes is too valuable to throw it away to place defenders. A simple enter and auto replace the defenders with an click of an button would make their life better or just throw them randomly and someone that has the battleground responsibility handle it or have an fixed placement node number to place your defenders.

    I be honest here - I think it’s **** when someone excuses their way out, with exception as visiting graveyard or something like that, when you’ve had a full 24hours to give 30-40 seconds to place your defenders.

    This is not to help the individual players. This is to help the leadership. What is 2-3 minutes for a player can be a lot more for leadership if someone makes a mistake and it snowballs and you have to go in and fix it. Nagging also takes time. Screenshotting existing locations is quick but updating them can be a pain. And having to kick someone because they didn't read the list takes a lot of time, as does not kicking them but instead fixing it every week because they're your best player and you can't afford to lose them even if it's a pain.

    So yes, the players could handle it. But life being what it is, this system would really help officers and leaders.
  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 719 ★★★
    I like the idea but it has to many variables to code right.

    3 bg who all place the same champs day in and out no sweat but 1 bg that has rotation of players or say a core 8 who like it with 2 wild cards just filling in when they have time would get weird.

    Just writing it to only work for 3 bg system would have the craziness of down low allainces who just open this war and today 8 guys join next 2 join next 10 join next 30 join next 20 join, it is messy and the checks for that would be craziness.

    The idea is good but the involvement needed to make it work would be too much. Game can't even get lvl up events to work let alone something this complex to code.
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